• 青少年期色情短信与未来性行为

    14-10-08 Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston say that sexting may be the new normal part of adolescent sexual development and is not strictly limited to at-risk teens. The findings, published in the journal Pediatrics, are from...

  • sexting获评最招人烦的新词

    11-10-29 If you wince when you hear it then you are not alone in thinking 'sexting' is the most irritating phrase to have entered our lexicon this year. 如果你在听到sexting(发性短信)这个词的时候会皱眉,那么你并不孤单,有许多人都认为这个今年刚被收入字典的词...

  • 美青少年发性短信成风 引政府担忧

    09-12-20 Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday. 本周二公布的一项调查显示,美国年龄在12岁至17岁之间有手机的青少年中,有15%的...

  • 日渐风靡的“性短信” sexting

    09-09-21 曾经在坊间很是风靡的黄色短信因为传播太广、影响恶劣而使相关部门颁布法令予以禁止。在国外,很多青少年用手机在传送的可不仅限于黄色短信,他们还互发自己的艳照等私密文件。据说,他们这样做是为了表现好友之间的亲密无间。这种行为叫做sexting。 A combination of...

  • Houston schools ban 'sexting' 美国:休斯顿学校禁发“色情短信

    09-08-30 A cell phone user sending text messages. In Houston, Texas, thousands of students are returning to school to discover a new rule: no sexting -- the distribution of nude or semi-nude photographs or videos by text message. In Houston, Texas, thousands...
