• 中国海关缴获7.48吨走私象牙

    19-04-16 Chinese customs seized 7.48 tonnes of smuggled ivory during an operation on March 30, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) said in a press release Monday. 中国海关总署周一在新闻发布会上表示,3月30日中国海关缴获7.48吨走私象牙。 It is the large...

  • 南非走私贩吞下220颗钻石

    12-11-15 South African police have arrested a man who they say swallowed 220 polished diamonds in an attempt to smuggle them out of the country. 南非警方逮捕了一名男子,该男子吞下了220颗打磨过的钻石以走私出境。 The man was arrested as he waited to board a pl...

  • 亚利桑那州捣毁一个墨西哥毒品组织

    11-11-01 US authorities say they have broken up a massive drug-smuggling network run by a Mexican cartel in Arizona. 美国当局称,他们捣毁了一个墨西哥毒品组织在亚利桑那州经营的巨大的毒品走私网。 The drugs were distributed to criminal gangs across the US A tot...

  • 墨西哥大毒枭伊格纳希欧·柯罗内尔被军方击毙

    10-07-30 The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel. 墨西哥政府宣称,保安部队已杀死伊格纳希欧纳丘柯罗内尔,锡那罗亚州贩毒集团一位顶级人物。 Ignacio Coronel was known as the...

  • 尼日利亚某政客涉嫌走私可卡因被捕

    10-05-18 A Nigerian politician has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine at Lagos airport. 一名尼日利亚政客涉嫌在拉各斯机场走私可卡因而被逮捕。 Nigerian drug enforcement officials say Eme Zuru Ayortor swallowed nearly two kilograms of cocaine (4.4...

  • 比利时军火商承认非法向伊朗销售武器

    09-11-24 An alleged Belgian arms dealer has pleaded guilty to conspiring to illegally export jet engines and parts from the US to Iran, officials say. 官员称,一名比利时军火商承认阴谋非法从美国向伊朗出售喷气式发动机和零部件。 Officials say Jacques Monsieur p...

  • 有组织的犯罪导致象牙走私增长

    09-11-12 The last year has seen a major increase in the illegal ivory trade, with more involvement from organised crime. 去年象牙非法交易量显著增长,多数是有组织的犯罪。 The number of seizures has gone up, and so has their average size Figures compiled(编译...
