• 莫斯科地铁终于开设卫生间

    15-09-25 Passengers on Moscow's underground system can now access a toilet for the first time - but only at one station. 莫斯科地铁系统的乘客现在终于能用上卫生间了,这还是破天荒头一遭,不过只有一个站点设了卫生间。 The single bio toilet has been installed on...

  • 澳洲蟒蛇为寻找水源爬进民宅马桶

    15-09-20 Thirsty snakes are moving into north Queensland homes with two pythons recently found in toilets. 口渴难耐的蟒蛇正溜进澳大利亚昆士兰北部的民宅。近日,先后有两条蟒蛇在当地民宅的马桶里出现。 Snake catcher Elliot Budd spent 15 minutes removing a 2.4-me...

  • 《权力的游戏》铁王座坐便器

    15-04-19 There are a lot of Game of Thrones super-fans out there. They own dragon-egg cookie jars, plush direwolf puppies. The really fancy fans might even have $30,000 Iron Throne replicas. 《权力的游戏》有很多超级粉丝,他们有龙蛋饼干盒、冰原狼毛绒玩偶等等...

  • 澳洲出现10分钟自动赶人智能马桶

    15-03-25 CAMPBELLTOWN folks can experience a revolutionary lavatory which talks, washes and dries itself, expels loiterers after 10 minutes, and collects statistical data on toilet usage. 坎贝尔镇(位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州)的居民将有机会经历一场马桶革命。这...

  • fatberg 肥球

    15-02-25 A fatberg is a congealed lump of fat, sanitary items, wet wipes, and similar items found in sewer systems, which do not break down like toilet paper. 肥球是在下水道系统中发现的凝结的脂肪块,卫生用品,湿纸巾等类似物品。这些物品无法像厕纸那样被分解。...

  • 英国25岁母亲怀孕期间想吃厕纸

    14-12-14 Some women crave pickles when pregnant, but that's when Jade Sylvester developed a taste for toilet paper. 一些女性在怀孕期间想吃泡菜,但是杰德西尔维斯特在怀孕期间却想吃厕纸。 The 25-year-old mother from Gainsborough, UK, has five children, but deve...

  • 约会时如何巧妙地上厕所

    14-04-07 Ever wondered how to navigate the etiquette of going to the loo on a date or, even worse, in bed? This new book tackles the last taboo in dating. 想知道如何在约会时,或者更糟的是,在床上时,去上厕所却不失形象的妙诀吗?这本新书教你突破约会中的最后一...

  • toilet mummy 马桶木乃伊

    14-02-11 When someone is so concerned about toilet seat germs, they cover the seat with half a roll of toilet paper, leaving it to appear like it has been mummified. This is called toilet mummy . 有的人特别担心马桶座圈的细菌,就用一大堆厕纸厚厚地铺在座圈上,...

  • 拉脱维亚设计师发明新型男厕小便池

    13-07-14 Men have long been maligned for their lack of hygiene but now they have no excuse for not washing their hands after a visit to the bathroom. 从洗手间出来后不洗手貌似是不少男性的坏习惯,不过现在这些男人们再也找不到不洗手的借口。 Men have long been ma...

  • 全球厕所普及程度不及手机

    13-03-29 联合国最新一项研究显示,全球70亿人口中,60亿都有手机可用,但只有45亿有厕所可上。 A new United Nations study has found that more people around the world have access to a cellphone than to a working toilet. The study's numbers claim that of the world'...