• 韦氏词典2015年年度词汇 主义

    15-12-21 Merriam-Webster has picked a small but powerful suffix as word of the year: ism. 韦氏词典选取了短小却富有影响力的单词后缀-主义作为2015年年度词汇。 But not just any ism. The top isms to earn high traffic spikes and big bumps in lookups on the diction...

  • Gap years

    15-09-23 The idea of spending a year away from home is something that appeals to nearly everyone. So why is taking a gap year still considered the wildcard? For a teenage student, the prospect of providing for yourself, miles away from home, can be daunting....

  • The Meeting

    15-02-25 The Meeting Alfred Corn Rekindled consciousness, abrupt as a slap That makes identity slot in, its clip Coinciding with that signature Stride acquired roughly the same year I learned the best defense was an offense. It's been my hup-two-three-four e...

  • 运动员的成绩随合同期限缩短而变差

    14-01-24 Professional athletes in the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball can reap very large financial rewards, especially if their performance peaks during their contract year, or the last season before an athlete signs a new contract...

  • 世界各地奇风异俗庆新年

    14-01-05 From great balls of fire, to possums, grape-eating and animal whispering, we reveal the world's weirdest New Year customs. 从火球到接吻,从扔家具到吃葡萄,从西伯利亚到时代广场,让我们看看世界各地都有怎样的奇风异俗庆祝新年。 Great balls of fire, Scot...

  • In a year 一年后

    13-03-21 Palmist: The life line in your hand tells that you will die in a year. Customer: Good gracious! In a year? Palmist: Yes, but I can't say in which. 手相大师:你手上的生命线显示出你还有一年将会死去。 顾客:天哪,一年后? 手相大师:是的,可是我不能说是...

  • “春节”的英译

    12-10-31 春节这个节日在英语中翻译成Chinese New Year,竟然在一些国家和地区成了敏感词。春节前位于美国纽约时报广场的纳斯达克大屏幕上展示庆祝中国农历新年的寄语,很技巧地写:Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year of the Tiger,而没有用Chinese这个形容词。 联...

  • year-end bonus 年终奖

    12-10-11 Economic professor Ge Changyin became a hit online after micro blogging one more yuan in year-end bonus may cause 1,000 more yuan tax. For example, a bonus of 18,001 yuan would mean paying 1,154 yuan more tax than a bonus of 18,000. 经济学教授葛长银...

  • When we two parted

    12-09-05 When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this! The dew(露水,清新) of the morning Sunk chill on my brow- It felt like the war...

  • Year-end panic 年关焦虑症

    12-08-08 Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and being pressured at work. 年关焦虑症指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不...