• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 65

    22-07-22 Haywards visit did Philip a great deal of good. Each day his thoughts dwelt less on Mildred. He looked back upon the past with disgust. He could not understand how he had submitted to the dishonour of such a love; and when he thought of Mildred it w...

  • Youth《青春》

    21-10-24 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 青...

  • in the flower of your youth 风华正茂

    21-07-21 In the flower of somebodys youth 的意思是某人正在风华正茂时。 例句 Look at those students theyre all in the flower of their youth. Shes still extremely active considering shes no longer in the flower of her youth. 请注意 另一个和花有关的常用表达是 i...

  • What Is A Youth

    21-06-17 What Is A Youth By Eugene Walter What is a youth? Impetuous fire 少年为何?熊熊的火焰, What is a maid? Ice and desire 少女为何?冰雪与欲望, The world wags on 随着世事推移 A rose will bloom, it then will fade 蔷薇会绽放,随即又凋零, So does a yout...

  • Youth 青春

    21-05-07 Youth A Poem by Samuel Ullman 青春塞缪尔厄尔曼(王佐良 译) Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the em...

  • 冯小刚《芳华》成卖座电影

    17-12-21 Youth has raked in 480 million yuan since being released on Dec 15, and could be a big winner for Feng Xiaogang. 《芳华》自12月15日上映以来已迅速取得4.8亿元票房,导演冯小刚可能成为大赢家。 Director Feng Xiaogang - who started the concept of Chinese...

  • Juvenoia 青少年成长恐惧症

    17-05-10 Juvenoia is an exaggerated fear of the effects of social change on youth. 青少年成长恐惧症指的是过分担心社会的变化对青少年的影响。 Juvenoia refers to the baseless and exaggerated fear that the Internet and current social trends are having negative e...

  • 中国青少年主要死因是自杀

    17-04-24 Suicide has become the leading cause of death of young Chinese people, aged between 15 and 35, according to a survey carried out by the Chinese Ministry of Health. 中国卫生部的一项调查显示,自杀已成为15至35岁的中国青少年死亡主要原因。 Young people t...

  • 中国公布青少年发展10年计划

    17-04-14 Chinese central authorities released a detailed 10-year youth development plan Thursday, vowing better education, employment and healthcare for the nations youth. 中国中央政府周四公布一份详细的青少年发展10年计划,承诺为国家的青少年提供更好的教育、就...

  • 人生不同年龄段的说法

    15-06-08 infant/baby 婴幼儿 (刚出生、1岁以内的孩子) infancy 婴幼儿期 toddler 学步儿童(1到3岁学着走路的孩子) toddlerhood 学步期 preschooler 学前儿童(3到5岁的孩子) early childhood 幼儿期 school children 学龄儿童(6到12岁已经开始上学的孩子) middle childh...