friendly fade 友好分手
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2016-05-04 07:18 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Friendly fade is a passive-aggressive method to 'break up' with a friend without being hurtful. This method is NOT an abrupt1 process and can apply to just about anyone. Care should be taken when choosing this strategy:
Friendly fade是用消极被动但意图明显的方式来与朋友断交的一种方式,这样不至于太伤人。我们可以称之为“友好分手”。这种断交的方式是一个缓慢的过程,所有人都适用。使用这种策略时要注意几点:
-Take longer and longer intervals2 to return phone calls, text messages, etc.. and avoid making commitments. For ex: take a week to return a voicemail or a few days for a text. As the weeks go by, the lag between all communications gradually increases.
-Never answer the phone if you see that person's number on your caller ID. Wait at least a week to return the message (unless it's an emergency), preferably via text.
-Avoid face-to-face meetings (like coffee or lunch) and make excuses to skip activities you both enjoyed previously3 (like going to the movies).

TAG标签: phone friend fade