How seeds make up our diet 种子类食品在日常饮食中的重要性
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  How seeds make up our diet 种子类食品在日常饮食中的重要性
  词汇:diet and health 饮食与健康
  Think of a caveman, and maybe you imagine someone tearing at the flesh of an animal they've just hunted. But this picture may be false – analysis of prehistoric remains suggests that Stone Age people were skilled in processing and cooking different kinds of seeds, even experimenting with different flavours. Seeds are still an important part of our diets, so maybe food choices haven't changed as much as we think.
  In botanical terms, seeds are what new plants grow from. Strictly speaking, edible seeds include nuts, pulses and grains, and are a significant source of protein and calories worldwide. Between them, rice and bread are staple foods in most of the world. Many cuisines use beans, whether cooked in stews or curries, or mashed into pastes, like hummus from the Middle East. This definition of seeds also includes coffee beans and the cocoa beans used to make chocolate.
  Added to these are culinary seeds. These are what we more often think of as seeds – we often buy them unprocessed and use them whole in cooking, whether as a seasoning, as part of a salad or as a topping for bread. This includes chia seeds, sesame seeds and flaxseed.
  There are clear health benefits to including these seeds in our diet. They are high in dietary fibre, which is good for digestion and helps fight illnesses such as diabetes and bowel cancer. They are also a good source of unsaturated fat. Experts believe that using this to replace saturated fats, such as those from meat and dairy products, can lower cholesterol and help keep our heart healthy. The minerals contained in many culinary seeds, such as zinc, copper, and folate, can be beneficial for the immune system.
  However, it's not all good news. Seeds can cause an allergic reaction, especially sesame seeds. Sesame is one of the top ten causes of food allergies in the UK. Different types of seeds can share allergy-causing proteins, and other seeds that can cause allergies include sunflower seeds and poppy seeds.
  flavour 口味,味道
  diet (日常)饮食
  botanical 植物学的
  edible 可食用的
  nut 坚果
  pulse 豆类
  grain 谷物
  protein 蛋白质
  calorie 热量,卡路里
  staple food 主食
  bean 豆类,豆子,豆科植物
  mash 将(食物)捣成泥状
  culinary seed 烹饪用的籽类食物
  topping (食物上的)配料
  chia seed 奇亚籽
  sesame seed 芝麻籽
  flaxseed 亚麻籽
  dietary fibre 膳食纤维
  unsaturated fat 不饱和脂肪
  cholesterol 胆固醇
  folate 叶酸
  allergic 对…过敏的

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