Delegates to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have hailed a proposal in President Hu Jintao's report to introduce a motion system that enables Party delegates to collectively put forward their opinions and suggestions - like legislators do - to develop democracy within the Party.
Motion system就是“提案制”,党代会代表可以就the Party's policies and decisions(党的政策和决定)提出书面意见和建议。
提案制(motion system)和任期制(tenure system)是推行intra-Party-democracy(党内民主)的重要举措。中共十七大提出的党代会代表任期制就是指党代会的代表和它所选举产生的委员会的资格和权利同时存在,任期与换届同委员会的任期与换届同期。