trustafarian 信托自由儿
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2014-11-06 05:08 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Trustafarian is a young person from a wealthy background whose trust fund enables him or her to eschew1 conventional attitudes to work, dress,etc.
A trustafarian often wears his or her hair in natural styles. Although able to purchase fashionable designer clothing, a trustafarian prefers to wear thrift2 store clothes, inexpensive t-shirts, worn jeans and other hippie or bohemian accessories. Many trustafarians studiously avoid fashion trends or expensive jewelry3 in order to maintain their hippie or slacker image.
While many young people would envy a lifestyle without the pressures of work or financial support, a trustafarian may become bored with his or her role as the son or daughter of a wealthy industrialist4 or celebrity5. This is why a number of trust fund recipients6 decide to rebel against the trappings of materialism7 and become slackers or social dropouts instead. A trustafarian knows he or she will never actually run out of money, so adopting a more hedonistic or Bohemian lifestyle for a short period of time would be relatively8 risk-free.

TAG标签: work trust clothes