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2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(Language Days)。
Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization.
联合国中文日(UN Chinese Language Day)定在每年的“谷雨”节气
The date for the UN Chinese Language Day was on the same day with Guyu (Grain Rain), the 6th of 24 solar terms, to pay tribute to Cangjie, who is claimed to be the inventor of Chinese characters.
关于“谷雨”节气的来历,据《淮南子》记载,仓颉造字,是一件惊天动地的大事(the invention of characters is a remarkable1 achievement),黄帝于春末夏初发布诏令,宣布仓颉造字成功,并号召天下臣民共习之。这一天,下了一场不平常的雨,落下无数的谷米(the sky rained millet),以慰劳圣功,后人因此把这天定名谷雨,成为二十四节气中的一个,这就是现在的“谷雨”节气。
Chinese was established as an official language of the United Nations in 1945.
In 1973, the General Assembly included Chinese as a working language, which was followed by the Security Council in 1974. More and more UN offices and staff members work with Chinese language.
Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, and among the six official languages of the United Nations, it is the only official language used by a single country.
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