High school offers physique lessons for boys |
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-12-15 02:40 字体: [ 大 中 小] 进入论坛 |
Chinanews, Beijing, December 14 – No. 101 High School has begun to offer physique lessons for boys in this semester.
“Physique lessons make me more healthy and confident. Besides they can alleviate1 fatigue,”said Lu Jun from class 2, grade 2. “In fact, many boys start to pay attention to their postures2 after taking physique lessons,”added Lu.
Since boys and girls take different physique lessons, many girls come to watch the boys dancing. “I have found many prospective3 stars among the boys,”said Yan Jin, a girl from class 3, grade 2, joked.
Ma Jie, the Latin dance teacher, said that the focus of physique lessons for girls was to bring out their inner femininity, thus yoga and folk dance lessons were offereed for them. Ma believed that the aim of physique lessons for boys was to make model gentlemen out of them, thus Western social dancing and Latin dance were the first two applied4 courses, which can bring confidence and coordinability. “In the future, we are planning to teach aerobics5, hip-hop dances and martial6 arts to enhance the boys' strength and masculinity, ”said Ma.
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v.减轻,缓和,缓解(痛苦等) |
参考例句: |
- The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。
- Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
姿势( posture的名词复数 ); 看法; 态度; 立场 |
参考例句: |
- Modern consciousness has this great need to explode its own postures. 现代意识很有这种摧毁本身姿态的需要。
- They instinctively gathered themselves into more tidy postures. 她们本能地恢复了端庄的姿态。
adj.预期的,未来的,前瞻性的 |
参考例句: |
- The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。
- They have all these great activities for prospective freshmen.这会举办各种各样的活动来招待未来的新人。
adj.应用的;v.应用,适用 |
参考例句: |
- She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
- This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
n.健身操,健美操,韵律操 |
参考例句: |
- Doing aerobics is a good way to improve one's health.做有氧健身操是改善健康状况的一个好方法。
- Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning?今天上午你不是去上有氧运动课吗?
adj.战争的,军事的,尚武的,威武的 |
参考例句: |
- The sound of martial music is always inspiring.军乐声总是鼓舞人心的。
- The officer was convicted of desertion at a court martial.这名军官在军事法庭上被判犯了擅离职守罪。