Amid a targeted national campaign, Chinese police in 2021 investigated and handled 62,000 cybercrime cases, according to the
Ministry1 of Public Security. A total of 103,000 individuals suspected of involvement in these cases were captured, with over 27,000 internet enterprises and institutions receiving
administrative2 penalties.据公安部消息,2021年,全国公安机关在“净网2021”专项行动中,总计侦办案件6.2万起, 抓获犯罪嫌疑人10.3万名,行政处罚违法互联网企业、单位2.7万余家。
Among the total, police resolved about 18,000 cases of
infringement3 of personal information and
hacking4 and
busted5 6,000 groups providing fund settlement, technical support and promotional services for online
gambling6 and fraud.行动中,全国公安机关侦办侵犯公民个人信息、黑客等重点案件1.8万余起,打掉为赌博、诈骗等犯罪提供资金结算、技术支撑、引流推广等服务团伙6000余个。
They also shut down 16 pornographic websites involving
minors7 and several pornographic livestreaming platforms and online prostitution platforms and seized more than 6,000 webcams and materials for taking photos without permission.铲除涉未成年人淫秽色情网站16个,摧毁多个涉黄直播、网络招嫖平台,查获非法控制的网络摄像头、窃照器材及零部件6000余件。