Residents of the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) are set to mark two years since gunmen launched co-ordinated attacks, killing1 166 people.
commemorate2 the day with prayers and marches" src="" width="464" height="261" />
Mourners are expected to commemorate the day with prayers and marches
Mourners are expected to commemorate the day with prayers, wreath-laying ceremonies and a peace march.
The 60-hour siege(围攻,包围) targeted luxury hotels, the main railway station and a Jewish cultural centre.
Meanwhile, India has rebuked3(指责,非难) Pakistan for not pressing ahead with charges against the alleged4 masterminds.
Security will be stepped up for the day, with anti-terrorist police among those deployed5, Joint6 Police Commissioner7 Rajnish Seth said.
"The main purpose is to pay homage8 to(向……表示敬意) the martyrs9(烈士) and to reassure10 the people that they are safe and secure," Mr Seth told Bloomberg news agency.
On the city's Chowpatty Beach, police officers are due to unveil a memorial to Tukaram Ombale, a constable11(治安官,巡警) killed during the attack.
Security forces and police are also due to hold parades through the city.
Although tourism declined in the wake of the attacks, tour operators say visitors are returning to Mumbai in record numbers.
On his trip to India earlier in November, US President Barack Obama visited the city and stayed in one of the luxury hotels targeted by the gunmen, Taj Palace Hotel - now fully12 restored.
On Thursday, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said the American people stood in solidarity13 with the people of India and would honour those who lost their lives.
Nine of the gunmen were killed during battles with security forces as the siege wore on.
The sole survivor14, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, was condemned15 to death by a Mumbai court in May.
Seven others, who are allegedly linked to the militant16 group Lashkar-e-Taiba, have been charged in Pakistan but have not gone on trial.
In a statement, India's Ministry17 of External Affairs said that, despite reassurances18 by Pakistan, "substantive19 and verifiable progress has not been made on bringing all the perpetrators(犯罪者,行凶者) and masterminds of the heinous20(可憎的) attacks to justice".
Pakistan has said the legal case is continuing.