日期:2009-04-11 你知道美国人都喜欢喝喜欢喝哪几种饮料吗?在美国的酒吧或餐馆点饮料或结帐时又与在英国有什么不同呢? In the United States coffee is the usual drink at all hours of the day. American coffee is usually lightly roasted and often served very weak. Italian-s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-10 纸牌游戏恐怕没有人不会玩,那纸牌的历史你了解吗?下面就让我们一起来看一看。 The origins of playing cards and poker are difficult to pin down. There are dozens of theories. Some say playing cards were developed by the Chinese as a variation on dominoe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-09 在美国,大家要特别注意行为举止是否有歧视(discrimination)或骚扰(harassment)他人之嫌,这里的歧视不仅仅是种族歧视,还有体征歧视,阶级歧视,性别歧视,等等等等,不一而足。 当年美国总统独立候选人、亿万富翁罗斯佩罗(Ross Perot)在一次对选民的演讲会上,连续数... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-08 有没有发现,英语里某个动物和它的肉经常不是一个词。特别是我们人类常食用的肉类,这点尤为明显。俗话说羊毛出在羊身上,那为什么肉的名称就和它主人的名称不一样呢? William the Conqueror(征服者威廉), the Duke of Normandy(诺曼底), invaded and conquered Eng... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-04 冰淇淋是生活中不可缺少的一道美食。夏天没胃口时,尝些冰淇淋,是一个迅速补充体力降低体温的好方法。尤其对小朋友来说更是挡不住的诱惑,聪明的妈妈能在小朋友不愿吃饭时,偶尔改变方式以冰淇淋取代主食,同样能摄取营养和热量,漂亮的颜色又让人产生食欲。 你知道吗... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-04 乒乓球在中国并不仅仅是一项运动,它作为国球承担着13亿国人的希望和荣誉。我国乒乓球运动员们在各种世界大赛中为国家争得了不少荣誉,中国乒坛更是名将辈出。可是你知道吗,乒乓球在中国流行的时间并不长。现在就让我们去了解一下它的历史吧。 Like many other sports... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-01 周末朋友小聚,有时候就会选择吃Pizza。在您享受美食的同时,您知道Pizza的一些小趣闻吗?下面,就让我们一起来看看Pizza12个鲜为人知的小秘密吧! Just hearing the word pizza brings a smile to the face of just about every American. Whatever style or variety... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-31 人所共知,西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊(Hellenic)文化,一为希伯莱(Hebrew)文化,而希腊文化中的希腊神话(Greek mythology)对英语影响非常广泛。表现在词汇方面就是英语吸收了部分词汇并将之沿用,而这些词又或是可分解词或是可溯源词。这些词源包含的信息不仅可帮助... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-27 初学英语者时常会遇到一些由英语数字组成的习语,如:to be dressed up to the nines, to be in sixes and sevens, to arrive at the eleventh hour等等。虽然这些都是大家所熟悉的常用数字,但是由它们组成的习语的意思却与数字毫不相关。 one-horse town--乡村小镇。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-22 Aphrodite The Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty. She was often shown as a beautiful women often appearing nude. She is often accompanied by the winged godling, Eros which means love. Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-22 在美国已有一段时间了,有很多现象都和国内不大一样,甚至让我感到很奇怪,这就让我来说一说。 1. 死人不会孤单。 在美国你能看到一个很普遍的现象:这里到处都是墓地。在国内,墓地一般都在很偏僻的山上,或者有专门圈出一片地来。但在美国,随便的一块草坪,你就能看... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-22 生肖是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。生肖也就是俗话说的属相,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座 (双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-21 茄子名字起源 What strange connotations the eggplant has inspired! A Lebanese eggplant recipe is called baba ganousb, which means spoiled old daddy. Eggplant is also one of the ingredients in a Turkish recipe called imam bayaldi. Translated, this mea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-21 翻查字典,deadhead不让您头大才怪!瞧它的诸多含意:看蹭戏的人;免费搭客;不载货物的空车;游手好闲、一无是处的懒汉;沉木;枯花 晕!您一定会说,记住这么些个意思简直就是一种折磨。其实,若搞清了词源、理顺了词义的发展脉络,搞定deadhead就是小菜一碟! 先从d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-21 什么是下午茶? High tea, a term often confused with afternoon tea, usually takes the place of supper. During the Industrial Revolution, working class families would return home tired and exhausted. The table would be set with dinner foods like meat,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-20 The first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 17th century, England honored mothers on Mothering Sunday, celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-18 过生日的时候一般都少不了长寿面,蛋糕,礼物,还有跃舞跳动的一根根彩色蜡烛。可是,好好一个完整的蛋糕上面干吗要插那些蜡烛呢? Thousands of years ago birthdays were considered a time when the bad spirits as opposed to the good spirits were able to harm... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-18 在现代生活中,冰箱似乎已经是一件必备的家用电器了。炎热的夏季,冰镇的水果或冷饮绝对是多数人的最爱。可是,你知道吗?19世纪中期,冰箱真的只是装冰的箱子哦。 By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but ice was st... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-18 学代数的时候老师说一圈是360度,就这样记在脑子里了。可是,一圈为什么不能是100度或者280度呢? We delve back to arrive at a probable answer. A line of ancient peoples (Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians) who lived in Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq)... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-17 初学电脑打字的时候,键盘上的字母及各类符号顺序都是要储存到脑子里的东西。A和B怎么隔那么远?难道就不能按照英文字母顺序设计键盘吗?那样打字速度一定会快很多的。查阅了资料才发现,键盘字母顺序如此安排竟然是为了提高打字的效率! The Dvorak keyboard, named f... 阅读全文>>

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