A work spouse1 is a co-worker, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage; such as, confidences, loyalties2, shared experiences, and a degree of honesty or openness. The work spouse is a potentially key relationship when one's actual spouse or boy/girlfriend is not able to be there.
Work spouse(工作配偶)指与自己有亲密合作关系的异性同事,两人之间互有的信任、忠诚、共同的经历以及某种程度的坦诚等都与婚姻关系中的夫妻类似。在现实生活中的配偶或男/女朋友不能在身边时,工作配偶就会成为主要的依靠对象。
The relationship is characterized by many sources as having the immediate3 intimacy4 of marriage without the sex or commitment, or platonic5, close, opposite-sex couplings, with no romantic strings6 attached.