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Make a few self-improvements that will lead to more confidence and result in more opportunities to find love and romance. 白羊座:自我改善一下能够给自己增加自信并且能创造更多浪漫的机会。 TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Make your move. It's time to get up close and personal with someone you have wanted to get to know better. Trust in whom you are and what you have to offer and you will come across and a great catch. 金牛座:做出自己的行动吧。是时候去了解你想知道的那个人了。相信自己,努力争取一定能够成功。 GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You may have all the moves but if you are trying to tempt2 the wrong person it will be futile3. Keep in mind that looks aren't everything and that you should be less superficial in your romantic pursuits. 双子座:如果对象搞错了,你所有的努力都会白费。铭记在心外表不能说明什么,你的追求不能太肤浅。 CANCER (June 22-July 22) It will be what you do not what you say that counts this week. Be attentive4, understanding and the perfect partner and it will help the person of your dreams realize that you are probably the one for him or her. 巨蟹座:本周可能会食言。做一个关心、理解、完美的伴侣,这样能够帮你成为对方心目中的人。 LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Two-timing doesn't work but you will be tempted5 to do just that. Too many choices and the need to experiment will entice6 you to take a chance that could result in you losing someone's interest that is right for you. 狮子座:欺骗帮不了你,但是你可能仍然会那么做。太多的选择和试验的需要让你令某人失去兴趣,而这个人正是适合你的那个人。 Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23) Everything is leaning toward getting involved in a serious one-on-one relationship. Just follow your heart and act on your impulses and you will do just fine this week. Love is in the stars so don't waste time. 处女座:认真对待一对一的这种关系。只要符合自己的心愿并付诸行动,这周你会做得很好。爱情是美好的,不要浪费时间。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) You have to wait and let anyone who interests you come to you first, if you take a proactive position you are likely to push whoever you like away. Being a little nonchalant will probably attract more attention. 天秤座:静静等候,让对你有兴趣的人首先表白;如果你采取积极行动,可能会将他推开。一点点的不在意更有可能引起更多的关注。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Everyone will want to get to know you better. Your creative approach to life and love will get you exactly who you want to be with. Be careful not to become involved with two or more partners. Choose and proceed. 天蝎座:每个人都很关注你。你对生活和爱情富有创意的生活观念正好和想要交往的人不谋而合;不要同时和二个以上的异性交往,注意选择再继续。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) You may be able to convince someone to get out and do things with you but it probably won't go very well. You are best to do your own thing and see which partners you attract. Don't put pressure on yourself. 射手座:你也许能说服某人和你一块出去玩,但也许效果并不好。你最好做自己的事情,并判断会吸引哪种异性.不要给自己压力哦。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) Take action if you really want to impress someone, sitting back and thinking that you can talk your way into someone's heart just won't work. It will be the little things you do that will be most enticing7. 摩羯座:想打动某人就赶紧采取行动吧,用你自己的方式俘获某人的芳心。即使你做的是微不足道的小事,也是很有诱惑力的。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Your brilliant way of doing things will certainly attract attention this week but don't expect to be able to sustain the momentum8. You are likely to find that any relationship you begin will end just as quickly. 水瓶座:这周你多变的行事方法肯定会引起关注,但不要希望能维持很久。你会发现,任何亲密关系来得快去得也快。 PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) You will know how and what to do in order to get someone's attention. It won't take much to turn a friendship into an intimate relationship. This can turn into a very passionate9 and fulfilling week for you. 双鱼座:为了引起某人的注意,你很清楚自己应该怎么去做和做些什么。把友谊变成爱情不会花太多时间,总体来说,这一周你会充满激情和满足感。 点击 ![]()
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