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ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Things aren't as bad as they appear. Don't let an incident at work play on your mind. You could find yourself left with someone's dirty laundry. Your changing philosophies may lead you into new circles and open doors that will give you a unique outlook on life. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. 白羊座:事情并不像表面上那么糟糕。不要让工作上的一个小事故妨碍了你的思想。可能发现自己需要收拾别人留下的烂摊子。思想的转变能改带领你进入一个新的境界,并让你看到了另一种独特的生活。幸运日为星期四。 TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Passion is inevitable1 and commitments can be made during the heat of the night. Travel will enhance romance and adventure. Money can be made if you are willing to take a chance. Much can be accomplished2 if you compromise. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 金牛座:不可避免的热情让你做出某种承诺。旅行能加强浪漫气息和冒险意味。如果你愿意碰碰运气,赚钱是很有可能的。如果你能妥协则完成的更多。幸运日为星期五。 GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Don't let someone try to bully3 you into doing things their way. Your outgoing nature will surprise others this week. You can expand your circle of friends if you get out and socialize. Consider starting a small business on the side. Look for a marketable gimmick4. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. 双子座:不要让某些人威胁你去做他们想要的事情。本周你的外向性格令人吃惊。如果能走出去多参加社会活动就能扩大自己的朋友圈子。同时考虑一下开始自己的小商业。探寻一下销售技巧。幸运日为星期六。 CANCER (June 22-July 22) Be careful; you may upset someone you live with if you don't consult with them. Don't hesitate to sign up for creative courses or physical fitness programs. Look into some personal changes. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 巨蟹座:注意!如果不和同住的人商量的话可能会让他们伤心。不要犹豫了,赶紧签署一些创造性的课程或者身体健康项目吧。注意一些个人变化。幸运日为星期五。 LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You have to take hold of your life and make some crucial decisions. You will gain valuable insight and knowledge through the experiences you have along the way. You can make a big difference to children if you understand of the difficulties they are experiencing. Think of joining a health club that will benefit your physical appearance. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. 狮子座:你需要抓牢自己的人生,做出一些至关紧要的决定。在你的经历中你磨练了自己的洞察力并获得了知识。如果你理解孩子经历的困难,他们会很感激你。考虑一下加入一个健康俱乐部,那能让你看起来外形更好。幸运日为星期日。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Travel will be favorable and bring you the greatest rewards. An older member of your family may have left you with a pressing situation. The danger of minor5 accidents will increase with the turmoil6. Don't press your luck with your loved ones. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. 处女座:旅行是最好的,能带给你极大的收获。家里年长的人可能把你留在紧迫的环境中。小事故的危险只能增加混乱。不要把自己的运气强加给所爱的人。幸运日为星期三。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding7 contracts. Your ability to organize and get everyone together will enhance your popularity and bring interest from potential mates. Resist secret affairs that could be detrimental8 to your reputation. Take a second look; another person's philosophy may be extremely different from yours. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. 天秤座:在签署合约前确保做好一切基础工作。你的组织能力能加强你的声望,并带来潜在的伴侣。抵抗住危急你声誉的事件发生。三思一下,其他人的观点可能和你的截然不同。幸运日为星期六。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Don't reveal anything about your personal life to those who may use such information against you. Don't let your emotional partner upset you this week. Legal matters that have been pending9 may be alleviated10 through compromise. Don't make financial contributions in order to impress others. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. 天蝎座:不要透露自己的个人生活,以免那些人利用这些信息对付你。本周不要让感情伴侣惹烦你。未决的法律事件会通过妥协来解决。不要通过资金贡献来给对方留下什么影响。幸运日为星期三。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Relationships will be erratic11 this week. Try not to make waves. Invite people home to discuss your plans for group fundraising events and outings. Difficulties relating to children will be stressful. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. 射手座:本周关系不稳定。尽量不要起什么波澜。邀请大家到家里来谈论集体的筹款和外出事件。孩子相关的问题很紧迫。幸运日为星期一。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) Don't let coworkers get wind of your ideas or they might try to take credit for your hard work. Call siblings12 or old friends to catch up on recent news. Look out for yourself this week. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 摩羯座:不要让合作的人听到你的想法,否则他们可能会窃取你的努力工作。通知兄弟姐妹或者老朋友获知最近的消息。本周为自己物色一下。幸运日为星期五。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel. You're on to something tangible13 and need to act fast Discord14 may arise with someone you're close to. Your dynamic, determined15 approach will win favors as well as a helping16 hand. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. 水瓶座:花费时间得到一些小道消息,并制定一次冒险之旅的计划。你需要在一些切实的事情行动快一些。亲密的人可能持不同意见。你的动力和切实的方法能赢取好感和援手。幸运日为星期三。 PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Don't make any drastic changes or begin new projects this week. Plans to make physical improvements may lead to psychological changes, too. Things may not be as they sound. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 双鱼座:本周不要有激烈的变化或者开展新项目。计划一下身体的改进能给身体健康带来好处。事情并不像外表呈现的那样。幸运日为星期五。 点击 ![]()
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