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ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) It won't take much to entice1 or captivate an ardent2 love interest. Your biggest problem will be deciding who it is that you want to be with the most. Decisions won't come easy and may get you into trouble. 白羊座:想吸引或者获得一份激烈的热情并不需要花费多少。你最大的问题是谁才是你最想与之共度的人。很难下决定,甚至有可能导致麻烦。 TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You may want to take a pass when it comes to dealing3 with personal matters, love relationships and trying to convince someone to love you for who you are. Instead take care of your health and revamp your appeal. 金牛座:当处理个人时间,感情关系时,你想说服别人去爱真实的你,而不是仅仅照顾你的健康或者修补你的外表。 GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Your fickle4 attitude will be your demise5 when it comes to love this week. Being too flirtatious6 may attract plenty of interest but two timing7 will leave you in the lurch8 when it comes to finding a long-term love. 双子座:本周提到爱情的时候,你轻浮的态度是你的死穴。过于轻浮让你吸引了很多注意力,但是当想要一个长期的爱人的时候,这样只能让你惨败而归。 CANCER (June 22-July 22) Keep your head on straight and you will avoid being swept off your feet by someone promising9 you the world but offering little. If you realize what you are getting and still want to precede go for it. 巨蟹座:保持头脑清晰,向前,你将避免被骗。对方可能许诺了很多,但是兑现的很少。如果你意识到了自己的所得并且仍然想要得到,就努力吧。 LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Don't miss out on a great connection due to the distance between you. It's time to take a trip to find out how you both feel about one another first hand. A move may be your next step. 狮子座:不要失去一次拉近遥远距离的机会。是时候举行一次旅行了,便于双方去发现到底对对方感觉如何。下一步就要行动了。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You'll be emotional this week leaving you vulnerable and at a disadvantage when it comes to looking for love. Don't let anyone take advantage of your sensitive side. Someone is likely to lead you on. 处女座:本周有点情绪化,当寻找爱情的时候就显得有点脆弱。不要让任何人利用了你敏感的一面。终归有人会合你意。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You won't have to do anything at all to get a little romantic attention. You'll be in a position to pick and choose if you get out and socialize. Your looks alone will be what catches someone specials eye. 天秤座:为了获得浪漫的注意力,你真的不需要做这么多。只要你出去多参加集体活动,就会获得挑选的主动权。你看似的孤独会让你获得某人的特殊关注。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) What you see and what you get is not one in the same. Refrain from making promises or moving too fast. As soon as you make a commitment the person who interests you will show his or her true colors. 天蝎座:你看到的和实际得到的并不是一回事。克制住自己,不要做出承诺或者行动过快。只要你做出承诺,对方就会露出真实的一面。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You will see lots of action in the love department but your heart may not be up for what's being offered. If you are pining over someone from your past you may want to make a call and see where you stand. 射手座:在爱情面前你看到很多行动,没有没有合你心意的。如果你思念过去的一个朋友,你可以给对方打个电话。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) You need a change of scenery. If you travel, take part in an event or conference and mix a little business with pleasure it won't be long before someone who has similar interests will be knocking at your door. 摩羯座:你需要一个外表的改变。如果你旅行、参加活动或者会议,或者做一些自己有兴趣的事情,很快就会有相同爱好的人来扣响你的心门。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) It's time for you to make a move or a commitment from the heart. If you aren't happy move on if you are do whatever is necessary to solidify10 your relationship. Take a confident and bold position don't play games. 水瓶座:如果无论做什么都是巩固你们的关系,再继续也不会幸福,那么就是行动或者从心底做出承诺的时候了。坚持信心,不要抱着游戏心理。 PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You may find yourself in a particularly awkward position if the person you are interested in works with you. Think twice about your next move before you lose a friend and possibly your current position. 双鱼座:如果你感兴趣的人和你一起工作,你会发现自己真的处处很笨。在失去朋友,甚至时目前的地位之前还是好好考虑一下你的下一步吧。 点击 ![]()
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