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INT. DUTY OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ecker lets out a long breath. ECKER I think I understand. What about my men? If it comes up hot and heavy, and we don't have anyone to protect us... I'm going to be writing letters to parents. I hate writing letters to parents. INT. KENNY'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Kenny nods to himself, feeling. He's done it himself. KENNY If the President protects you, Commander, he may have to do it with the Bomb. INT. DUTY OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ecker doesn't want to be avenged1 with atomic weapons. No KENNY (V.O.) I've known the man for fifteen years. The problem is, he will protect you. So I'm asking: don't make him protect you. Don't get shot at. Ecker down, deeply affected3. Suddenly, A BELL RINGS. A TELETYPE goes off. Ecker knows it's for him. His orders. ECKER Okay, Mr. O'Donnell. We'll do what we can. END INTERCUT. As Ecker hangs up, the Duty Officer rips off the ORDERS, hands them to Ecker, who takes one look, then gazes out the window at the runway -- EXT. RUNWAY - KEY WEST NAVAL4 AIR STATION - DAY A CART speeds down the flight line past the waiting F8U-1P Corsairs. One by one, the four pilots accompanying Ecker and Wilhemy jump off to mount their planes. The cart still moving. ECKER Get that fuel assayed? WILHEMY Yeah. It sucks. Ain't for high performance babies like ours. Shoulda brought some from home, but what can you do? Last-second deployments... Wilhemy jumps off, then they're at Ecker's plane, and he jumps off. Too late to worry about bad fuel now. He hoists5 himself up and into the cockpit of the sleek6 navy jet. INT. ECKER'S CRUSADER - DAY As the canopy7 closes, Ecker powers up the engines, talks to his flight over the Guard channel. ECKER Okay, time to play Spin the Bottle with our bearded buddy8. Nobody gets out ahead. Remember, just sitting here we're only ten minutes from target. EXT. RUNWAY - DAY The Crusaders swing around in pairs at one end of the runway, and then the first two throttle9-up, flaps down, and drop their brakes. The machines LUNGE forward like duelling drag racers. The FILL THE SCREEN, blow past. EXT. AERIAL - OVER KEY WEST - DAY The six Crusaders, in pairs, streak10 over the buildings and streets of Key West. And in a heartbeat, cross the beach and are out to sea. And already on the horizon, the low clouds and dark line of land. Cuba. Ninety miles away. INT. ECKER'S CRUSADER - DAY The ocean shrieks11 past so close you can see the white foam12. Ecker checks the altimeter: 150 FEET. A small fishing boat looms13 ahead, its net booms reaching up like tree limbs. The Crusader rockets over it. Ecker checks his instruments. OUT THE WINDOW, the other Crusaders thunder over the water, past sailboats, cabin cruisers, the small-craft traffic outside Key West. The speed sucks the breath away. ECKER Go to military throttle on my mark. Three...two...one... mark. His airspeed indicator14 spins up to 400 knots. And then his radio suddenly crackles: PILOT #1 (O.S.) Flameout flameout! PILOT #2 (O.S.) Shit! Me too! ECKER Get some altitude! Two of the Crusaders pull up, away from the water. PILOT #1 (O.S.) Oh, God damn. Got it restarted. PILOT #2 (O.S.) Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Goddamn fuel. PILOT #1 (O.S.) Sir, I don't think she's gonna hold up for the run. ECKER Affirmative. You two get out of here. EXT. AERIAL - CRUSADERS - DAY The two planes with bad fuel pull wingovers to their left, head for the airfield15 in the distance. The four remaining planes streak over the ocean. There are no more small craft this far out in the strait. INT. ECKER'S CRUSADER - DAY Cuba, green and hazy16, looms in the window. Ecker throws a series of switches. ECKER Start your camera checks. A mechanical WHINE17 accompanies the switch-throwing. Ecker pulls the trigger on his joystick and a THUMP18 THUMP THUMP hammers away. There are green lights across his boards. One of the other pilots cuts in on the radio: PILOT #3 (O.S.) Failure. All cameras. Sonofabitch. Film must not have fed. PILOT #4 (O.S.) Jesus! Shit! Oh shit! I just shot it all, boss. Activator19 jammed open, its exposing everything now. WILHEMY (O.S.) That's alright, Lenny, it happens to most men at some time -- Ecker grimaces20, but his voice stays cool. ECKER -- Scrub, you two. Get out of here. Still with me, Bruce? WILHEMY (O.S.) That's affirm. The two Crusaders who've failed their camera checks break off. And now Cuba's hills, the Havana sky line are right in front of them. EXT. CUBAN BEACH - CONTINUOUS The last two Crusaders streak over the surf, a white wake of spray in their jetwash, and cross the beach with a boom. EXT. AERIAL - CRUSADERS - CONTINUOUS The planes dip and rise with the green tropical contours, taking us on a sickening roller-coaster ride over Cuban countryside at treetop level. Palm forest, roads, can fields, more palm forest race by. And then, ahead, a large clearing. ECKER (O.S.) Warm 'em up. We're here. EXT. ANTI-AIRCRAFT BATTERY - CONTINUOUS Cuban ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNNERS shout as they traverse their 40mm guns in their sandbagged emplacement. The low rippling21 thunder of the incoming jets becomes an earsplitting ROAR... and the Crusaders blast out over the clearing. The anti aircraft guns open up. INT. WILHEMY'S CRUSADER - CONTINUOUS 点击 ![]()
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