Friends 3 《老友记》3(四)
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[Scene: Joey is watching Wheel of Fortune, the puzzle is showing _oun_ Rush_ore.]

Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Wheel!

Chandler: Of!

Joey: Fortune! This guy is so stupid. It's Count Rushmore!!

Chandler: You know, you should really go on this show. All right, listen, I got three tickets to the Rangers1 tonight. Whaddaya say?

Joey: I say, "I'm there!" Cool! Aw, is Ross going too?

Chandler: No, Janice.

Joey: Jan-ice. 'Cause I, just, I feel bad for Ross, you know, we…we always go together, we're like the three hocke-teers.

Chandler: You know, I may be way out on a limb2 here, but do you, do you, have a problem with Janice?

Joey: No, Yeeees. God, how do I say this? Oh, hi, you know that girl from the Greek3 restaurant with the hair?

Chandler: Ooh, that girl that I hate, eww, drives me crazy, eww, eww, oh!

Joey: Look, I don't hate Janice, she's... she's just a lot to take, you know.

Chandler: Well, there you go.

Joey: Oh, hey. Come on man, don't look at me like that, she used to drive you nuts before too, remember?

Chandler: Well, I'm crazy about her now. I think this could be the real thing. Capital "R"! Capital "T"! Don't worry. Those are the right letters.

Joey: Look, what do you want me to say?

Chandler: I want you to say that you like her!

Joey: I can't. It's like this chemical thing, you know. Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna pull my arm off just so that I can have something to throw at her.

Chandler: Thanks for trying. Oh, and by the way there is no Count Rushmore!

Joey: Yeah, then... then who's the guy that painted the faces on the mountain?

(Chandler gives him a look like "You stupid idiot4!")


1. Whaddaya say:实际上是“What do you say?”,意思是问别人“这事你意下如何?”这里的ya是you的缩读,ya也可以是are you的缩读。比如ya going to the party? 在不太正式的场合或者刻意要营造一种“土得掉渣”的气氛时,我们经常可以听到诸如betcha(bet you), gotcha(got you)以及see ya等等片语。当别人说一个什么事儿我们表示不屑或不信任时,也可以反问“Says who?”。

2. out on a limb:limb原意是小树枝,悬在小树枝的边上是一种什么感觉?其实就是alone and without help or support,类似汉语里说孤立无援。Chandler这里用be out on a limb是指“说这话要冒点风险”,换句话说就是“可能Joey会不爱听”。类似的,go out on a limb 可以表示冒险做某件事情。比如他甘愿冒风险帮助我们就可以说“He'd gone out on a limb (=taken a risk) to help us.”。

3. drive somebody crazy:make someone feel very annoyed,都快把我给逼疯了!我们也可以用drive somebody nuts/mad/insane。比如说“咳嗽把我弄得快受不了”,就可以说“This cough is driving me mad!”

4. take:Joey觉得Janice这种人让他难以忍受,他表达这层意思的时候并没有用endure或tolerate,而是用了一个很多中国同学在这种场合不大用的词,其实这里拿一个短语put up with替换take也是相当贴切的。

5. There you go:也是出现频率极高的词组,很多情况下相当于That's it。

6. come on:这里注意听Joey说come on时的语气,同样的话不同的语音语调可以表达完全不同的意思。为了让我们讲的英语不显得干涩,我们一定要注意把握讲话时的语调、重读和节奏。这一点要通过对电影语言的跟读和模仿练习来达到。此时的come on一定不是你在运动会上喊加油时的语气,而是类似咱们汉语里说“拜托”、“别介”的感觉。


1 rangers f306109e6f069bca5191deb9b03359e2     
护林者( ranger的名词复数 ); 突击队员
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2 limb J10xZ     
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  • His refusal to agree left him out on a limb.他拒不表示同意,致使自己处于孤立地位。
3 Greek 7flxN     
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4 idiot FcWze     
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  • You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。