Sabrina 《情归巴黎》(三)
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Sabrina: Linus.

Linus: Hello, Sabrina. I have a message from David. He won't be able to make it. He sent me. I'm sorry, you're upset. Of course.

Sabrina: Yes, no, um. I don't know. I'm a little tired. Why didn't he come?

Linus: He was on his way, he had a slight1 accident. He sat on a champagne2 flute3.

Sabrina: Is he OK?

Linus: He's in the emergency4 room.

Sabrina: Emergency room!

Linus: It was a sharp5 flute. Hey, that's a little joke.

Sabrina: Should I drive over to see him?

Linus: He'll be fine. A couple of stitches6. You can see him tomorrow.

Sabrina: What's this for?

Linus: Part of the message from David.

Sabrina: They sent you to deal with me, haven't they?

Linus: They?

Sabrina: Like a lawyer in a movie. He goes to the unsuitable waitress, or showgirl, or chauffeur's daughter, and says the family is prepared to offer you a hundred thousand dollars to stay away from their son. "No", she says, "a hundred and fifty thousand." "No."

Linus: Two hundred thousand?

Sabrina: No.

Linus: A million? No self-respecting lawyer would offer less.

Sabrina: No self-respecting waitress would take it.

Linus: Good girl.

Sabrina: I've loved him all my life.

Linus: Have you?

Sabrina: I thought I was over it.

Linus: Surprise, surprise.

Sabrina: You don't object8?

Linus: Object? To you? Look at you. It's as though a lovely breeze9 has swept through this whole house.

Sabrina: Even though the breeze comes from the general direction of the garage?

Linus: It's the 90s Sabrina.

Sabrina: So they say. They played that the night before I left for Paris.

Linus: They often do play that.

Sabrina: Yeah, he was dancing. Right here, with someone.

Linus: Yeah, he often does do that. And tonight he wanted it to be you. It's all in the family.

Sabrina: I never thought of you as a dancer.

Linus: Crazy about it. Call me BoJangles at the office.

Sabrina: In all those years I never saw you do this - meet a girl here with champagne.

Linus: Never did it before.

Sabrina: You never had to before.

Linus: Is it impossible to believe that I want to dance with the prettiest girl at the party?

Sabrina: Thank you. Yes, it is impossible to believe.

Linus: Then you don't know me. Oh, I almost forgot the rest of the message from David.

Sabrina: Oh!

Linus: Thanks, I needed that.

Sabrina: What am I doing? I should never...

Linus: No, no, no, I apologize10.

Sabrina: You have my handprint on your face.

Linus: Maybe it's better if you pick up your messages in person. You'll see David tomorrow. Goodnight.


1. make it

这是一个常用的短语,表示“及时到达,实现预定目标,做成一件事”等等。例如:We just made it for the movie. 我们正好赶上电影。本段中的 He won't be able to make it.意思就是“他不能来了。”

2. on one's way

这是口语里常用的一个片语,除了表示one one's way to(在去……的路上)的意思外,还可以表示“离开”,比如 She is on her way out the door. On your way 还可以单用,是一种命令的口气,要求别人“走开,离开”。本段中的 He's on his way. 意思就是“他离开了”。

3. A couple of stitches

很随意的一种说法,意思是“只是缝了几针”。“拆线”可说成是 stitches out。

4. Stay away from

“避开,远离”的意思。例如:You ought7 to stay away from me. I have a bad cold and wouldn't want you to catch it. 你该离我远点,我感冒很严重,不想传染给你。

5. Over something / somebody

如果你 over something / somebody,说明这件事/这个人对你已经没有影响了。例如:His girlfriend finished with him last year and he was not over her yet. 去年他的女朋友甩了他。他现在还对她念念不忘。

6. It's as though a lovely breeze has swept through this whole house.

有很多人都认为,看电影可以提高我们的口语及听力能力,其实这种想法在某种层次上来看是不错的,但是想提醒大家的是,我们学的是电影中的语言,而剧本的语言可称得上是文笔较好的作品了。以上面那句话为例,It's as though a lovely breeze has swept through this whole house. (就好像是一阵清风拂过整个房间。)觉不觉得这句话可以用到写作上呢?

7. in person

“亲自”的意思。例如:You'd better come here in person. 你最好亲自来。


1 slight fxcw3     
  • The difference is so slight,that I can hardly see it.差别很小,我几乎看不出来。
  • His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微咳嗽开始的。
2 champagne iwBzh3     
  • There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
  • They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。
3 flute hj9xH     
  • He took out his flute, and blew at it.他拿出笛子吹了起来。
  • There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。
4 emergency zpFxq     
  • You had to be ready for any emergency.你得随时预防不测。
  • She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事。
5 sharp RzbwV     
  • This knife isn't sharp.这把餐刀不锋利。
  • Dogs have sharp sense of smell.狗有敏锐的嗅觉。
6 stitches 70b457f1c55a93ceace567a436b21338     
n.(缝纫或编织中的)一针( stitch的名词复数 );缝法;衣服;(缝合伤口的)缝线v.缝,缝补,缝合( stitch的第三人称单数 );[引申]把某物连在一起
  • Try to keep the stitches small and straight. 针脚要尽量缝得小而直。
  • Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower. 下两针织在一起,把衣服弄瘦点儿。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 ought XJKx4     
  • Ought I to hand in the homework today?我应当在今天交上作业吗?
  • They ought to be here by now.他们这个时候该到了。
8 object qHNxV     
  • Now he had no object in life.现在他没有生活的目标。
  • I object strongly to the idea.我坚决反对这种主张。
9 breeze 7sRzv     
  • A little breeze is blowing in from the window.微风从窗户里吹进来。
  • The clouds are pale and a light breeze is blowing.云淡风轻。
10 apologize wMJyJ     
  • You must apologize to her for having kept her waiting.让她等了这么久,你应该为此向她表示歉意。
  • I must apologize for calling so late.我真是抱歉这么晚了才打电话给你。