My best friend's wedding 《我最好朋友的婚礼》(六)
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Julianne: Hello, George.

George: Hey, gorgeous. Having a good time?

Julianne: Not particularly, but I did what I came to do.

George: What? You split them up?

Julianne: No, I said good-bye.

George: Good girl. I'm proud of you. I'd be prouder still if you were dancing.

Julianne: Hmm, I have a big plan for dancing. Just give me 30, 35 years.

George: Mmm. The misery1, the exquisite2 tragedy. The Susan Hayward of it all. I can just picture you there sitting alone at your table in your lavender gown.

Julianne: Did I tell you my gown was lavender?

George: Hair swept up. Haven't touched your cake. Probably drumming your fingernails on the white linen3 tablecloth4. The way you do when you're really feeling down. Perhaps even looking at those nails, thinking. "God. I should've stopped in all my evil plotting to have that manicure." But it's too late now.

Julianne: George, I didn't tell you my dress was lavender.

George: Suddenly a familiar song. Then you're off you chair in one exquisite movement. Wondering, searching, sniffing5 the wind like a dapple deer. Has God heard your little prayer? Will Cinderella dance again? And then suddenly the crowds part. And there he is, sleek6, stylish7. R-r-radiant with charisma8. Bizarrely, he's on the telephone. But then, so are you. And he comes towards you. The moves of the jungle cat. And although you quite correctly sense that he is... gay. Like most devastatingly9 handsome single men of his age are. You think. "What the hell... life goes on." Maybe there won't be marriage. Maybe there won't be sex. But, by God. There'll be dancing.

George: Bond. Jane Bond.


1. I did what I came to do.

这里它的意思和I did what I'm supposed to do. 一样。但是在不同的场合,两句话的解释可能就不一样了。因为I did what I came to do还有一层意思是"我做了我要做的事"。

2. Drumming your fingernails on the white linen tablecloth.


3. Wondering, searching, sniffing the wind like a dapple deer.


4. Will Cinderella dance again?

“灰姑娘还会再跳舞吗?”灰姑娘在这里指的是可爱又漂亮、但却遭遇困境的女孩。而 Will the Cinderella dance again? 意思就是“这个伤心的姑娘还会开心起来吗?”


1 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
2 exquisite zhez1     
  • I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。
  • I still remember the exquisite pleasure I experienced in Bali.我依然记得在巴厘岛所经历的那种剧烈的快感。
3 linen W3LyK     
  • The worker is starching the linen.这名工人正在给亚麻布上浆。
  • Fine linen and cotton fabrics were known as well as wool.精细的亚麻织品和棉织品像羊毛一样闻名遐迩。
4 tablecloth lqSwh     
  • He sat there ruminating and picking at the tablecloth.他坐在那儿沉思,轻轻地抚弄着桌布。
  • She smoothed down a wrinkled tablecloth.她把起皱的桌布熨平了。
5 sniffing 50b6416c50a7d3793e6172a8514a0576     
n.探查法v.以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的现在分词 );抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);抱怨,不以为然地说
  • We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing. 我们都感冒了,一个劲地抽鼻子,打喷嚏。
  • They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing. 他们都伤风了,呼呼喘气而且打喷嚏。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
6 sleek zESzJ     
  • Women preferred sleek,shiny hair with little decoration.女士们更喜欢略加修饰的光滑闪亮型秀发。
  • The horse's coat was sleek and glossy.这匹马全身润泽有光。
7 stylish 7tNwG     
  • He's a stylish dresser.他是个穿着很有格调的人。
  • What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.巴黎女性时装往往会引导世界时装潮流。
8 charisma uX3ze     
  • He has enormous charisma. He is a giant of a man.他有超凡的个人魅力,是个伟人。
  • I don't have the charisma to pull a crowd this size.我没有那么大的魅力,能吸引这么多人。
9 devastatingly 59f7cce5c3768db7750be91ff751f0fd     
adv. 破坏性地,毁灭性地,极其
  • She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way. 她温存无比,魅力四射而又绝不矫揉造作。
  • I refuted him devastatingly from point to point. 我对他逐项痛加驳斥。