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Sales clerk: Looking for anything in particular, sir? Harry1: Yes, em, that necklace there, how much is it? Sales clerk: It's£270. Harry: Erm, all right, er, I'll have it. Sales clerk: Lovely! Would you like it... gift- wrapped? Harry: Yes, all right. Sales clerk: Lovely! Let me just pop it in the box. There! Harry: Look, could we be quite quick? Sales clerk: Certainly, sir!Ready in the flashest of flashes! There! Harry: That's great. Sales clerk: Not quite finished. Harry: Look I, I don't need a bag; I'll just put it in my pocket. Sales clerk: Oh, this isn't a bag, sir! Harry: Really? Sales clerk: This is so much more than a bag! Ooh! Harry: Could we be quite quick, please! Sales clerk: Prontissimo. Harry: What's that? Sales clerk: It's a cinnamon stick, sir! Harry: Actually, I really can't wait! Sales clerk: You won't regret it, sir. Harry: Wanna bet? Sales clerk: 'Tis, but the work of a moment. Yeah? Almost finished. Harry: Almost finished, what else gonna be. Are you gonna dip it in your yogurt, cover it with chocolate buttons? Sales clerk: Oh, no sir, we're going to pop it in the Christmas box. Harry: But I don't want a Christmas box. Sales clerk: But you said you wanted it gift-wrapped. Harry: I did, but... Sales clerk: This is the final flourish. Harry: Can I just pay? Sales clerk: All we need now... Harry: Oh, God! Sales clerk: Is a sprig of holly2? Harry: No, no, no, no. No bloody3 holly! Sales clerk: But, sir... Harry: Leave it, leave it! Just leave it! 妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Looking for anything in particular “请问您需要什么?”这可是一句特别地道的表达,是要比 Can I help you?What can I do for you? 好上很多的招揽顾客的方式。 2. Gift-wrapped 这是在买礼品的时候可能会用到的话,指的就是“给礼物打包装”。通常情况下店员会问 Would you like it gift-wrapped? 意思就是“您需要包装吗?” 3. Ready in the flashest of the flashes 在理解这句话之前,我们要先看一下flash这个词,它指的是“闪现”,有一个这样的短语:flash in the pan,指的是“昙花一现”。由此可以看出 flash有“短暂”的意思。还有一个短语be in the flash,指的是“立刻,马上”。 in the flashest of the flashes 实际上是一种夸张的说法,但又不失生动,意思就等于in the flash。 4. This is so much more than a bag 如果直译这句话,意思就是“这要比一个袋子还多”,但你会发现这不是一句正常的中文。正确的意思是:这比袋子还要袋子。比如当我们生气的时候会说“你怎么这么傻,比傻子还傻”英文就是:You're so much more than a jerk! 5. The work of the moment 这是在英文中的习惯表达方式,类似的还有the man of the year,the album of the year。The work of the moment 的意思就是“绝世佳作”,the man of the year 就是“年度风云人物”,the album of the year 就是“年度最佳唱片”。 点击 ![]()
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