Prison Break 1《越狱》1(八)
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T-bag: Been doing a little, uh, thinking. I'm gonna need a PI card, aren't I? I mean that's where this whole thing is happening, isn't it?

Abruzzi: It's on its way.

T-bag: You're slow-walking me, aren't you?

Abruzzi: Why would I do such a thing?

T-bag: You think Bellick's gonna pop me for shanking that C.O. Bob. Maybe you'll take a little walk and tell him for yourself, right? Then, I'll be out of your hair for good. Well, I got news for you. If I go down for killing1 Bob, believe me, I'm gonna take a little walk of my own. Tell them about that hole you got behind your toilet. So... how about that PI card?

L.J.: I don't know if you remember, but that summer before fifth grade, when I stayed with you a couple weeks, and you thought I broke your glass coffee table...

Lincoln: Uh-huh.

L.J.: And when you came home, I denied it. But you told me you could care less about the coffee table. You just didn't want me lying to you. And you said I'd feel a lot better if I just told you the truth. And you promised not to be angry.

Lincoln: I remember.

L.J.: Well, I broke it.

Lincoln: I know.

L.J.: You know, if there's anything that you want to get off your chest, you can tell me. And I promise I won't get angry.

C.O.: What the hell are you doing here?

Abruzzi: Clean up detail.

Michael: We thought this was storage.

C.O.: This look like storage to you, you idiot? It's a restricted area! It's the C.O.'s break room. Now back it up! Back it up, now!

Abruzzi: Sorry. Won't happen again.

Sucre: Frickin' break room. Are you kidding me?

Michael: They must have changed it since the retrofit.

Sucre: The bulls are camped out in there. They'll never leave.

Abruzzi: You got a backup plan?

Michael: There isn't one. It's the only room sitting on top of that pipe. It's the only way out, and we've gotta get back in there.

Michael: That's impossible, Fish.

Lincoln: Maybe not. Check it out.

Sucre: I don't get it. How come they let him to the guard's room?

Lincoln: He's a trustee, ones with a high security clearance2.

Sucre: Why him?

Lincoln: He can be trusted.

Michael: How does one become a trustee?

Lincoln: Just have a spotless record for the last 30 years.

Sucre: Pretty much count's all of us out.

Michael: Which means we've gotta get him on board.

Lincoln: Forget it. The guy's a Boy Scout3.

Michael: Mr. Westmoreland?

Westmoreland: Hey, Michael.

Michael: Have you found your cat yet?

Westmoreland: Still M.I.A.

Michael: You can always get another.

Westmoreland: I don't want another. Besides, it's a moot4 point. She was grandfathered. Once she's gone, no more pets.

Michael: Wouldn't be an issue if you were on the outside.

Westmoreland: Still tugging5 on that leash6, eh?

Michael: Yup. And this is the part where I extend a formal invitation.


1. Out of one's hair

想要了解这个片语,我们需要先看另一个片语:be in one's hair,它的意思是“烦扰某人”,例如:She was constantly in my hair, overseeing everything I did.
作为in one's hair的反义词,out of one's hair 的意思就是“不再烦扰某人”,这个片语通常用于命令语气的祈使句,例如:Get out of my hair!

2. Get off one's chest

意思就是“Relieve one's mind by confessing or saying something that has been repressed”,例如: I've got to get this off my chest--I can't stand his parents.

3. On board

这个短语通常的意思是“在车/船或其它交通工具上”,在这里的意思是“成为某一组织/队伍的成员”,例如:If we want to win the game, we must get Jack7 on board.

4. Boy Scout

Boy Scout 有两种意思,一是指 Boy Scouts8 这个组织的成员,另一个意思是“天真、幼稚的人”,这是它的俚语用法。

5. M.I.A.

“Missing in action”的首字母缩略写法。


1 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
2 clearance swFzGa     
  • There was a clearance of only ten centimetres between the two walls.两堵墙之间只有十厘米的空隙。
  • The ship sailed as soon as it got clearance. 那艘船一办好离港手续立刻启航了。
3 scout oDGzi     
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
4 moot x6Fza     
  • The question mooted in the board meeting is still a moot point.那个在董事会上提出讨论的问题仍未决的。
  • The oil versus nuclear equation is largely moot.石油和核能之间的关系还很有争议。
5 tugging 1b03c4e07db34ec7462f2931af418753     
n.牵引感v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的现在分词 )
  • Tom was tugging at a button-hole and looking sheepish. 汤姆捏住一个钮扣眼使劲地拉,样子显得很害羞。 来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
  • She kicked him, tugging his thick hair. 她一边踢他,一边扯着他那浓密的头发。 来自辞典例句
6 leash M9rz1     
  • I reached for the leash,but the dog got in between.我伸手去拿系狗绳,但被狗挡住了路。
  • The dog strains at the leash,eager to be off.狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。
7 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
8 scouts e6d47327278af4317aaf05d42afdbe25     
侦察员[机,舰]( scout的名词复数 ); 童子军; 搜索; 童子军成员
  • to join the Scouts 参加童子军
  • The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area. 巡逻人员两个一组,然后开始巡逻这个地区。