Casino Royale《皇家赌场》(五)
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Man 1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. As you know, the game is no limit Hold'em poker1. 5 communal2 cards. 2 in the hole. Monsieur Mendel here represents the Basle Bank in Switzerland holding the stakes . Monsieur.

Mendel: Madame and Monsieur, You have each deposited $10 million buy-in, further buy-in of 5 million can be made by electronic transfer. The money will remain in escrow until the return of the winner of the contest enter his/her password into the encrypter where upon the entire sum will be wired to any bank account in the world in a minute. Mr. Bond, we proceed alphabetically3. Please be so kind as to enter the password of your choice. Six letters or more.

Man 1:High card for dealer4 position. Mr. Ganmilsky is small blind, 5000 dollars. Mr. Fukutu, the big blind, 10,000 dollars. Well, enjoy the game.

Man 2: Four players. It's your bet. Check. Check. Bet, 50,000. Call.Fold. Fold.Heads up.Mr. Le Chiffre? Bet, 100,000.

Bond: When you suppose to enter so the others could see you.

Lynd: Was I? Forgive me. Good luck, honey.

Man 2: It is up to you, Mr. Bond. Mr. Bond?

Bond: I'm sorry. What was the bet? 10,000?

Man 2: Call .

Lynd: Hello.

Mathis: I suppose I don't have to tell you how beautiful you look. Half of the people at that table are still watching you. Champagne5.

Man 2: Mr. Le Chiffre. Bet 200,000. Monsieur, you have been called. Show down, please. The full house to Mr. Le Chiffre. Deuce full of 9s. Mr. Bond? Fold.

Bond: Send the bar man over please. Dry martini.

Bar man: Yes Monsieur.


1. Hold'em poker


2. High Card

A player who holds the highest card without making any type of poker hand.

This only happens when your cards and the community cards do match up at all, making no poker hand. An Ace6 is the highest ranking high card in poker. I.e board K-8-6-2-3 (mixed suit), if you held A-Q, and your opponent did not have any of the cards on the board but held Q - J, you would win.

3. Fold

在游戏中fold 指的是"收回",在失利时收回(手),如把牌面朝下放在桌上。

4. Heads up

在口语中 heads up 表示"Be careful! Watch out for danger! 小心!"。

5. Full house

意思是"满堂红",指的是"A poker hand containing three of a kind and a pair, ranked above a flush and below four of a kind. 手中一组三张同点和一组两张同点的牌,比同花牌大而小于一组四张同点的牌"。Flush 指的是属于同一花色但不按数字顺序排列的一把牌。


1 poker ilozCG     
  • He was cleared out in the poker game.他打扑克牌,把钱都输光了。
  • I'm old enough to play poker and do something with it.我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。
2 communal VbcyU     
  • There was a communal toilet on the landing for the four flats.在楼梯平台上有一处公共卫生间供4套公寓使用。
  • The toilets and other communal facilities were in a shocking state.厕所及其他公共设施的状况极其糟糕。
3 alphabetically xzzz0q     
  • I've arranged the books alphabetically so don't muddle them up. 我已按字母顺序把这些书整理了,千万不要再弄乱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They are all filed alphabetically under author. 这些都是按照作者姓名的字母顺序归档的。 来自辞典例句
4 dealer GyNxT     
  • The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.那个商人为购买那幅画花了几个小时讨价还价。
  • The dealer reduced the price for cash down.这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。
5 champagne iwBzh3     
  • There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
  • They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。
6 ace IzHzsp     
  • A good negotiator always has more than one ace in the hole.谈判高手总有数张王牌在手。
  • He is an ace mechanic.He can repair any cars.他是一流的机械师,什么车都会修。