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26.必须把过去保持在属于它的地方,并且超越它。 The past must be kept in its place, outlived and outgrown1. 27.我想每个人都需要有一种历史感,特别是对自己根源的某种感觉,但是历史有必要与之拉开一段距离才好去欣赏。 Everyone needs a sense of history, particularly a feeling of his or her own roots, but history needs to keep its distance to be appreciated. 28.电影与电视会对我们的行为产生影响吗? Do movies and television affect our behavior? 29.人们特别担心的是电影与电视是否会使得孩子和整个社会更富有暴力倾向。 A special concern is whether movies and television make children and the society as a whole more violent. 30.我认为电影与电视确实影响我们的行为,有好的影响,也有坏的影响。 I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both positively2 and negatively. 31.电影与电视的确令人们更具有暴力性,所以,我们从电影或电视中看到的暴力行为越多,我们对它们就会变得越麻木。 Movies and television do make people more violent, so the more we see violent acts on movies and television, the less sensitive we become to them. 32.孩子们往往意识不到暴力行为的后果,甚至他们都不见得意识到他们的某些行为就是暴力行为。 Children may not realize that violence has consequences. Moreover, they may fail to know that some of their acts are actually violent ones. 33.电影中,演员可以反复地杀与被杀,反正毕竟他们最终还可以再接着演别的电影,但是,现实生活中就不一样了:真实的人生命只有一次。 In movies, actors or actresses can kill or be killed again and again, for after all, they can always come back to life and continue to act in other movies. However, in real life, a real person can live only once. 34.电影与电视影响我们的日常行为方式,使我们变得慵懒。 Movies and television affect our daily behaviors, making us less active. 35.当一切都通过表演展示给我们时,我们的想象力便停滞了,这会造成我们大脑的惰性。 When everything is acted out for us, our imagination stops performing its due function, which results in mental laziness. 36.不可否认,看电视或电影自然也有其有利的一面。 There’s no denying that watching movies and television can also be beneficial. 37.举个例子吧,看电影可以让我们接触不同种族和不同文化的人们,从而开阔我们的视野。 For example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures and this can help broaden3 our vision. 38.当然,看电影的最大好处是它可以令我们得到放松,因为这是一种极好的娱乐方式。 Sure, the greatest benefit we get out of watching movies is that it can reduce our stress, for this is an excellent way of entertaining ourselves. 39.电影或电视对我们究竟产生多大的影响最终取决于我们看了多少、看的是什么,以及我们做出什么样的反应。 How much movies and television influence us depends on how much we watch, what we watch and how we respond to what we watch. 40.小孩子在电脑上花费了太多的时间,而花在学习和锻炼身体方面的时间却少得可怜,这对他们的学习和健康带来了严重影响,值得我们密切关注。 Children are spending too much time on computers and too little time on study and physical exercises. This has greatly affected4 their study and health and is, thereby5, well worth our deep concern. 41.我认为,经验丰富、掌握技能多的人对社会发展的贡献会更大。 I believe that those who have more experience and more skills make more contribution to social development. 42.日本高科技消费品得以主导世界市场是因为日本人勤奋、重技术、重创新。 Japanese consumer products are able to dominate6 the world market because the Japanese are hard working, technologically7 oriented8 and innovation-focused. 43.首先,我们知道日本人工作拼命,经常为了工作而牺牲自己的闲暇时间。 First of all, we know that the Japanese work very hard, often sacrificing their free time for work. 44.鉴于核电太过危险,我认为所有国家应该禁止使用,并将注意力集中到诸如水电、风力发电、太阳能等可替代能源的开发上来。 As nuclear power is far too dangerous, I hold that all countries should ban its use and concentrate, instead, on the development of such alternative sources of energy as hydroelectric power, wind power and solar energy. 45.每年都有成千上万的高技能、高学历人才离开中国前往发达国家工作或定居,这对我国的经济发展带来了负面影响,因为这些人才恰恰也是我们国家发展经济所需要的。 Every year thousands of highly skilled and well educated people leave China and go to work or live in a developed country. This is having a negative effect on the economic development of our country, for these are the very people China needs in developing our economy. 46.人的社会地位究竟该如何衡定呢?有人认为应该以财富量为准,有人认为应该以对社会的贡献为准。 How can we measure or define9 one’s social status? Some people hold that it should be based on the wealth an individual owns while others argue that one’s social status should be awarded according the contribution he or she has made to the society. 47.忘我主义是一种行为表现,是动物牺牲个体利益而维护另一动物或动物群体的利益。忘我主义的反面是自私自利。行使忘我主义行为的个体没有为自身赢得什么。 Altruism10 is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness. An individual performing altruistic11 acts gain nothing for himself. 48.忘我主义的例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类和其它哺乳动物群体中。 Examples of altruism abound12, both among humans and among other mammals. 49.人类中的无私行为涵盖了从与陌生人分享食物到为家庭成员,甚至是为陌生人捐献器官的各种作法。 Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family members and even to strangers. 50.此类行为之所以是无私忘我的是因为它们有利于他人,而对行使这些行为的个体却几乎没有提供任何的回报。 These acts are altruistic in that they benefit others, yet provide little reward to the individuals performing them. 点击收听单词发音
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