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1.竞争被认为强化了机会平等的理念。 Competition is believed to strengthen the idea of equality of opportunity. 2.理解并接受真正的幸福与金钱无关是通往幸福的关键之所在。 Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with money is what is really crucial to happiness. 3.健康专家提示:老年人应该尽可能地多从事身体与脑力锻炼。 Health experts suggest that people in their old age should engage in both physical and mental activities as often as possible. 4.人们常常拿生意上的竞争与政府的垄断做比照。 A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive , and government, which is monopolized1 . 5.由于生意场上充斥着竞争,所以人们认为它比政府更能护佑自由。 Because business is competitive, people believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government. 6.医疗科学证实:献血有益于献血者的身心健康。 Medical science has proved that donating blood is good for the donator both physically2 and spiritually . 7.良好的人际关系可以从多方面缓解我们所承受的压力。 A good interpersonal relationship cushions stress in a number of ways. 8.制服常常要比一般的衣服更舒适、更持久。 Uniforms are often more comfortable and more durable3 than civilian4 clothes. 9.我们是社会性的人,因此,我们的生活质量很大程度上取决于我们的人际关系。 As social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationship. 10.打比赛令我快乐,因为它给了我与朋友们在一起、了解新事物、体验团队合作的机会。 I have fun playing games because it gives me time to be with friends, learn new things, and work as a team. 11.人们常说:父母是最好的老师,对此,我有些不同的看法。 People like to say that parents are the best teachers about which I see somewhat differently . 12.个人方面讲,我很幸运自己与父母一直相处得融洽。 On a personal note, I am very lucky that I have been enjoying a very good relationship with my parents. 13.一生中我们会有很多位老师,但却不可能有很多个父母。 Throughout our lives, we may have many teachers but only two parents. 14.父母往往乐于将自己的价值观和人生观强加于子女,这往往会引发父母与子女间的不和谐。 Parents are likely to impose their own values and outlook towards life on their children, which may result in disagreement between parents and kids. 15.如今,做饭变得容易了,但有趣的是,人们的生活质量并没有由此而得到真正的改善。 Nowadays food has become easier to prepare, but interestingly enough, this has not improved the way people live in a real sense. 16.知识可以从书本上获得,也可以从实践中获得。 Knowledge can be gained from books and it can also be acquired from experience. 17.诚然,来自书本上的知识也是宝贵的,而且多多益善。 Admittedly , knowledge gained from books is also valuable and the more the better. 18.然而,我认为最重要的知识不是课堂上老师传授的,而是亲身去体验的。 However, I think that the most important knowledge is not imparted by teachers in the classroom but is gained from one’s own experience. 19.我们年少时,父母和老师为我们提供了最宝贵的建议。 When we are young, parents and teachers are the most valuable source of advice. 20.既便当我们已经踏上社会舞台了,父母和老师的建议依然是极富教益的。 Even as we have stepped into the society , the advice we receive from our parents and teachers is still extremely instructive and valuable. 21.首先,沉湎于过去是无意义的。 First of all, it is futile5 to dwell on the past. 22.其次,为未来而担忧也是没有用的。 Second, it is also useless to worry about the future. 23.第三,现在的这一刻才是我所知晓的唯一现实,而我不想错失它。 Third, the present moment is the only reality I know and I don’t want to miss it. 24.我信奉活在现在,因为沉湎于过去毫无意义,为未来担忧毫无意义,错失我所知晓的唯一现实中的任何东西毫无意义。 I believe in living in the present because it is futile to dwell on the past, to worry about the future, or to miss anything in the reality I know. 25.过去存在或发生过的事情也许是很美的,令人兴奋,可以带来无穷的珍贵回忆,但是,过去已经死掉了,活着的生灵徘徊在鬼怪居住的世界里是不健康的。 What existed or happened in the past may have been beautiful or exciting and may bring profound and precious memories. But the past is dead and it is not healthy for living spirits to linger over a world inhabited by ghosts. 点击 ![]()
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