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1.她开始谈起自己的男友时才来了劲头。 She came alive as she started talking about her boyfriend. 2.我知道你不喜欢他,但他也有可用之处。 I know you don’t like him, but he has his uses. 3.如果这些症状没有消失,马上给我打电话。 If the symptoms persist, don’t hesitate to call me. 4.你别总是这样跟着我好不好? Will you stop following me around? 5.别提她胖了—她对此很敏感。 Don’t mention that she’s put on weight—she’s very sensitive about it. 6.我同情地盯着那位在路边乞讨的老太太看了许久,心想她的孩子是不是知道自己的母亲在过着这样一种悲惨的生活呢? I looked on sympathetically at the old lady begging at roadside, wondering if her children knew that their mother was leading such a miserable1 life. 7.她挖空心思刁难我们。 She went out of her way to make things difficult for us. 8.要减肥还是吃巧克力,你得选其一,这可是个鱼与熊掌的问题。 You’ll have to decide whether you want to lose weight or eat chocolates and you can’t have it both ways! 9.这几次谈判的成功为释放人质扫清了道路。 The success of these talks has cleared the way for the release of the hostages. 10.当你游览上海的时候,首先看到的东西之一就是坐落在黄浦江东岸的“东方明珠电视塔”—那座可以从很远就能看到的塔,也是世界第四高的建筑物和上海市的象征。 When you visit Shanghai, one of the first things you will see is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower standing2 on the east bank of Huangpu River—the famous tower which can be seen from far away, the forth3 highest building in the world and the symbol of the city. 11.如果你要是没有给我传错信息的话,我就不会跟他吵架了。 If you had not passed on the wrong message to me, I would not have quarreled with him. 12.他很少外出。 He rarely, if ever, goes out. 点击收听单词发音
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