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13.我难得享受到如此宜人的静谧。 Rarely have I enjoyed such soothing1 tranquility. 14.我起先在电话里都没有听出你的声音。 I failed to recognize your voice on the phone at first. 15.在上高速之前你最好把四个轮胎再检查一遍。一旦有一个爆了,你也就完了。 You’d better have your four tyres checked once again before you drive onto the express way. Should one burst, you would get killed. 16.很多外国人对中国历史的了解令我们自感惭愧。 Many foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese history puts us to shame. 17.他没有像我希望的那样前来乞求我原谅他的粗鲁态度,而是表现的好像什么也没发生过似的。 He did not come to beg me to excuse his rude manner as I hoped he would, but acted as if nothing had happened. 18.如果你试图逃税,那一旦被发现,你就有被处以重额罚款的风险。 If you try to evade2 paying your taxes, you risk being fined heavily once found out. 19.虽则已成为上海的名人了,但他宁愿像过去一样不去引人注目。 He is now one of Shanghai’s notables—but he prefers to remain out of the limelight. 20.我的一位同事特爱出风头。 One of my colleagues is very fond of the limelight. 21.晚会上,他抢了Mary的风头。 He stole the limelight of the party from Mary. 22.仪器设备总是经过仔细消毒以防感染。 Equipment is always carefully sterilized3 as a precaution against infection. 23.他是山东人,这从他的口音可以听出来。 As can be recognized from his accent, he is from Shandong. 24.她正一动不动地躺在地板上。 She is lying motionless on the floor. 25.她气得直跺脚。 She was stamping with fury4. 点击收听单词发音
上一篇:雅思8分作文经典900句:陈述句表达25例a 下一篇:雅思范文——多元化民族利弊 |
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