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May 16, 2006 China Lets Currency Rise Past Key Level By KEITH BRADSHER
HONG KONG, May 15 — China allowed its currency to strengthen past the symbolic1 level of eight to the dollar Monday, rattling2 Asian markets already shaken by the dollar's extended slide and Friday's drop in share prices in the United States. ①The actual rise in the Chinese currency was tiny: one-tenth of a percent from Friday's level. But the breaching3 of that threshold unnerved regional investors4, who feared that it could open a path for broader declines in the dollar. The Bush administration has been pressing China for three years to allow its currency to rise sharply, although the Treasury5 stopped short last Wednesday of labeling China a country that manipulates the value of the currency, the yuan. That prompted many predictions that China would reward the conciliatory gesture by allowing the yuan to move a little higher in interbank trading in Shanghai. On Thursday and Friday, though, the yuan weakened slightly before rallying on Monday. The dollar — which has fallen markedly against other major currencies in recent weeks — briefly6 slipped to a two-year low against the euro and approached an eight-month low against the Japanese yen7 before recovering considerable ground late in the trading day here and in New York. ②Ben Simpfendorfer, a currency strategist in Hong Kong with the Royal Bank of Scotland, said the dollar had briefly dropped so fast earlier in the day that investors became worried that a weak dollar would hurt Asian exports and make Asian shares less attractive, which in turn curbed8 demand for Asian currencies. 翻译提示:1. But the breaching of that threshold 怎么译好? 背景知识: 什么叫人民币升值? 答:人民币升值就中国的东西在国际上涨价了。因为以前花1美圆可以买8.27元的中国产品,现在只能买8.11元的了。 人民币为什么升值 1.经济学分析 从经济学上讲,可能主要有以下几个方面的依据: 2.国际政治分析 人民币汇率问题不仅是经济问题,也是国际政治问题。有学者特别指出,一些西方国家频频呼吁人民币升值,背后还另有原因。有的是出于嫉妒,有的是为了转移国内对当局的指责,有的则是为了争取国内制造业的选票。如西方国家简单地将人民币币值水平与其本国制造业的衰退联系在一起,试图强迫人民币升值。这是西方社会对中国经济的误读,因此就连美国财政部长斯诺在与温家宝总理会见时也表示,人民币问题他们不懂,也不想懂。再如认为低估的人民币是形成中国产品与“中国制造”优势的决定因素,“中国制造”使得许多美国国内制造业向国外转移,造成了美国部分人的失业。因此,只要人民币升值,限制了中国产品的出口,美国的失业问题便迎刃而解。人民币的汇率,又一次充当了“替罪羊”。美国联储主席格林斯潘去年在美国国会作证时,再度表态,人民币升值无助于解决美国的就业问题。他认为,造成美国就业机会减少的因素不是中国,而是全球化竞争的无形之手。美国此次产业结构调整的目标之一,是要让更少的人能干更多的事。这一目标意味着要把工厂迁移到劳动力价格较低的国家。格老由此认定,人民币升值后可能会使中国对美国出口的纺织品和其他商品减少,但这决不会促进美国的纺织品生产,因为美国从亚洲其他低工资国家进口纺织品取代中国纺织品的可能性要大得多。因此,认为人民币低估并因此向世界输出通货紧缩与失业的观点并不成立。 美国之所以施压人民币升值,是认为中国实行的“盯住美元汇率”政策,使美元贬值的积极效用没能全面发挥,只是“极大地增强了中国企业的出口竞争力,刺激了中国产品的出口”,尤其是2002年美元贬值的同时,美国外贸逆差却创出了4352亿美元的历史峰值,对华贸易逆差达到1031亿美元。实际上美国外贸逆差剧增的原因不在于中国的人民币汇率政策本身,而是美国产业结构调整、对外直接投资扩大、个人消费支出的增长、以及美元贬值的J曲线效应等多种因素综合作用的结果。 3.与缓解目前“经济过热”的顾虑相一致 在固定汇率下,升值压力会被转化为通涨压力——外汇占款导致货币供给量上升,带来通涨压力。而通过发放央行票据来回笼外汇占款的做法不具持久性,并将导致政府财务负担的上升。扩大人民币浮动范围会缓解升值压力向通涨压力的转换——人民币升值会对国内价格形成向下的压力,由于:1) 外汇占款减少导致货币供应量的减少;2) 货币升值将使进口价格降低,因此可能压低国内价格。 ≡参考答案:≡
①The actual rise in the Chinese currency was tiny: one-tenth of a percent from Friday's level. But the breaching of that threshold unnerved regional investors, who feared that it could open a path for broader declines in the dollar.
实际上,人民币的升值幅度微乎其微:在上周五的基础上升了千分之一。但人民币对美元汇率“破8”却令地区投资商感到不安,他们担心这为美元大幅度下跌开辟了道路。 ②Ben Simpfendorfer, a currency strategist in Hong Kong with the Royal Bank of Scotland, said the dollar had briefly dropped so fast earlier in the day that investors became worried that a weak dollar would hurt Asian exports and make Asian shares less attractive, which in turn curbed demand for Asian currencies. 皇家苏格兰银行香港办事处的货币战略家本·辛芬多佛说,美元当天早些时候曾短暂迅速下跌,致使投资商担心疲软的美元将损害亚洲的出口,亚洲股票也会魅力大减,而这反过来将抑制对亚洲货币的需求。 点击 ![]()
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