日期:2007-09-29 After completing his examination, the doctor took her husband aside. I don't like the looks of your wife at all. Me neither, Doc. Said the husband. But she's a good cook and the kids seem to like her.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 Will I be the first to do this to you? whispered the new groom to his new bride. What a silly question, giggled the girl. I don't even know what position you want to use yet.... 阅读全文>>


日期:2007-09-29 Why don't women blink during foreplay? They don't have time.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 A PETA protester screamed at the woman in a fur coat, Don't you realize some poor dumb beast suffered so you could have that fur? Unfazed, the woman replied, That's true, but think of what I had to go through! I dated him!... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then he asks the bartender to prepare another double martini. After he finishes that one, h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 What do you call female Viagra? Jewelry.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 The 50-ish wife comes up to her husband and says, 'So, Harvey. What do you think of my new bra-less look? Does it make me look younger?' 'It does!' Harvey says. 'It pulls all the wrinkles out of your face!'... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 A woman asked her doctor for birth control pills. Ma'am, how old are you? I'm 75. What possible need do you have for birth control pills? They help me sleep better. The doctor looked perplexed. Just how do birth control pills help you sleep? I sneak... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-29 Why are men so happy? Because ignorance is bliss.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog? After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 The girl knelt in the confessional and said, Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. What is it, child? Father, I have committed the sin of vanity. Twice a day I gaze at myself in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am. The priest turned, took a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 A woman gives birth to a baby, and afterwards, the doctor comes in, and he says, I have to tell you something about your baby. The woman sits up in bed and says, What's wrong with my baby, Doctor? What's wrong?? The doctor says, Well, now, nothing's... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 How do you give a woman more freedom? Make the kitchen larger.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 After weeks of getting the cold shoulder from his wife, an unhappy husband finally confronted her. Admit it, Linda, he said, The only reason you married me is because my grandfather left me $10 million. Don't be ridiculous! she shot back. I don't ca... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying an after-work cocktail with her girlfriends when an exceptionally tall, handsome, extremely sexy, young man entered. He was so striking that the woman could not take her eyes away from him. The young man noticed... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 Watch What You Ask For Cinderella was now 75 years old. After a fulfilling life with the now dead Prince, she happily sat upon her rocking chair, watching the world go by from her front porch, with a cat called Alan for companionship. One sunny afte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens fashion frames in six wild colors (half-frames too!), neck chain and large-print editions of Vogue and Martha Stewart Living. Hot Flash Barbie. Press Barbie's bellybutton and watch her face tur... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 A little old lady goes to the doctor and says, Doctor I have this problem with gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much because they never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I've farted at least 20 times since I've been here in y... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-21 Why did God give men penises? So we'd have at least one way to shut a woman up. How is a woman like a laxative? They both irritate the shit out of you. What's worse than a male chauvinist pig? A woman that won't do what she's told. What's it called... 阅读全文>>

日期:2007-09-12 ... 阅读全文>>

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