文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-02-14 08:59 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
A little old lady went to the grocery store to buy cat food. She picked up three cans and took them to the check out counter. The girl at the cash register said, "I'm sorry, but we cannot sell you cat food without proof that you have a cat. A lot of older people buy cat food to eat, and the government requires proof that you are buying the cat food for your cat." The little old lady went home, picked up her cat and brought it back to the store, and they sold her the cat food. The next day, she tried to buy three cans of dog food. Again the cashier demanded proof that she had a dog, because older people sometimes eat dog food. She went home and brought in her dog, and they sold her dog food. The next day she brought in a box with a hole in the lid, and asked the cashier to stick her finger in the hole but the cashier refused, saying "No, you might have a snake in there." The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box that would harm her. So the cashier put her finger into the box and pulled it out and exclaimed, "That smells like shit." The little old lady said, "It is. Now can I buy three rolls of toilet paper?"   一个小老太太去一家杂货铺买猫食,她拿了三罐去交钱。   收银台小姐:“如果你不能证明你有一只猫,我们就不能卖给你猫粮。”因为很多老人买猫食自己吃,所以政府要求买猫粮的人必须证明猫粮是买给猫吃的。   老太太只好回家去把自己的猫抱来,售货员这才把猫食卖给她。   第二天,老太太又想买三罐狗粮,结果收银台小姐又提出了同样的要求,因为老年人有时也吃狗粮。  她只好又回家去把自己的狗抱来。他们把狗粮卖给了她。  第三天,老太太抱了个盒子来,盒子的盖子上有个洞。她让收银员伸手进去摸,可收银员拒绝了,说:“不,你可能放了一条蛇在里面”。老太太保证里面没有对她有害的东西。收银员把手伸进去,摸了下伸出来,喊到:“它闻起来象大便”。老太太说:“没错,因为我今天要买三卷厕纸 。”
