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第六十一条 香港特别行政区的主要官员由在香港通常居住连续满十五年并在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。
Article 61 The principal officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative1 Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode2 in any foreign country and have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than 15 years.
第六十二条 香港特别行政区政府行使下列职权:
Article 62 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise the following powers and functions:
(2) To conduct administrative affairs;
(3) To conduct external affairs as authorized5 by the Central People's Government under this Law;
(4) To draw up and introduce budgets and final accounts;
(5) To draft and introduce bills, motions and subordinate legislation;
and (6) To designate officials to sit in on the meetings of the Legislative6 Council and to speak on behalf of the government.
第六十三条 香港特别行政区律政司主管刑事检察工作,不受任何干涉。
Article 63 The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall control criminal prosecutions7, free from any interference.
第六十四条 香港特别行政区政府必须遵守法律,对香港特别行政区立法会负责:执行立法会通过并已生效的法律;定期向立法会作施政报告;答复立法会议员的质询;征税和公共开支须经立法会批准。
Article 64 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must abide8 by the law and be accountable to the Legislative Council of the Region: it shall implement laws passed by the Council and already in force; it shall present regular policy addresses to the Council; it shall answer questions raised by members of the Council;and it shall obtain approval from the Council for taxation9 and public expenditure10.
第六十五条 原由行政机关设立咨询组织的制度继续保留。
Article 65 The previous system of establishing advisory11 bodies by the executive authorities shall be maintained.
第四章 政治体制 第三节 立法机关
Section 3: The Legislature
第六十六条 香港特别行政区立法会是香港特别行政区的立法机关。
Article 66 The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be the legislature of the Region.
第六十七条 香港特别行政区立法会由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民组成。但非中国籍的香港特别行政区永久性居和在外国有居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民也可以当选为香港特别行政区立法会议员,其所占比例不得超过立法会全体议员的百分之二十。
Article 67 The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be composed of Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign country. However, permanent residents of the Region who are not of Chinese nationality or who have the right of abode in foreign countries may also not of Chinese nationality or who have the right of abode in foreign countries may also be elected members of the Legislative Council of the Region, provided that the proportion of such members does not exceed 20 percent of the total membership of the Council.
第六十八条 香港特别行政区立法会由选举产生。
Article 68 The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be constituted by election.
The method for forming the Legislative Council shall be specified12 in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ultimate aim is the election of all the members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage13.
The specific method for forming the Legislative Council and its procedures for voting on bills and motions are prescribed in Annex14 II : "Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures".
第六十九条 香港特别行政区立法会除第一届任期为两年外,每届任期四年。
Article 69 The term of office of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be four years, except the first term which shall be two years.
第七十条 香港特别行政区立法会如经行政长官依本法规定解散,须于三个月内依本法第六十八条的规定,重行选举产生。
Article 70 If the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is dissolved by the Chief Executive in accordance with the provisions of this Law, it must, within three months, be reconstituted by election in accordance with Article 68 of this Law.
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