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(Adopted at the Second Session of the Seventh National People's Congress on April 4, 1989, promulgated2 by Order No. 16 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 4, 1989, and effective as of October 1, 1990)
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为保证人民法院正确、及时审理行政案件,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护和监督行政机关依法行使行政职权,根据宪法制定本法。
Article 1 Pursuant to the Constitution, this Law is enacted3 for the purpose of ensuring the correct and prompt handling of administrative cases by the people's courts, protecting the lawful4 rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and safeguarding and supervising the exercise of administrative powers by administrative organs in accordance with the law.
第二条 公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关和行政机关工作人员的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,有权依照本法向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 2 If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization considers that his or its lawful rights and interests have been infringed5 upon by a specific administrative act of an administrative organ or its personnel, he or it shall have the right to bring a suit before a people's court in accordance with this Law.
第三条 人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。
Article 3 The people's courts shall, in accordance with the law, exercise judicial6 power independently with respect to administrative cases, and shall not be subject to interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.
The people's courts shall set up administrative divisions for the handling of administrative cases.
第四条 人民法院审理行政案件,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。
Article 4 In conducting administrative proceedings7, the people's courts shall base themselves on facts and take the law as the criterion.
第五条 人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查。
Article 5 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall examine the legality of specific administrative acts.
第六条 人民法院审理行政案件,依法实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。
Article 6 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall, as prescribed by law, apply the systems of collegial panel, withdrawal8 of judicial personnel and public trial and a system whereby the second instance is the final instance.
第七条 当事人在行政诉讼中的法律地位平等。
Article 7 Parties to an administrative suit shall have equal legal positions.
第八条 各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行行政诉讼的权利。
Article 8 Citizens of all nationalities shall have the right to use their native spoken and written languages in administrative proceedings.
In an area where people of a minority nationality live in concentrated communities or where a number of nationalities live together, the people's courts shall conduct adjudication and issue legal documents in the language or languages commonly used by the local nationalities.
The people's courts shall provide interpretation9 for participants in proceedings who do not understand the language or languages commonly used by the local nationalities.
第九条 当事人在行政诉讼中有权进行辩论。
Article 9 Parties to an administrative suit shall have the right to debate.
第十条 人民检察院有权对行政诉讼实行法律监督。
Article 10 The people's procuratorates shall have the right to exercise legal supervision10 over administrative proceedings.
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