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Nathan:hello, everyone, welcome back to our show!
慧慧:今天的sports review中我们还是来看一场NBA吧 Nathan:cool, basketball. I’m loving it.那么我们讲哪一场比赛啊 慧慧:咳,还用问嘛。当然是rocket啦 Nathan:oh, Yao Ming again! Cool! 慧慧:我可是姚明的忠实fans哦。 Nathan:所以你每次都滥用职权非得讲rocket对吧 慧慧:well,maybe… Nathan:oh, never mind, actually, I don’t care at all, you know why? I’m also one of the big fans of him. 慧慧:噢怪不得呢,看起来大家都很关心姚明嘛。那我们就赶紧去看看吧。 Nathan:The first match is Rocket versus1 Raptor 慧慧:首先来看火箭和猛龙!here we go! [短片] 3月24日,主场作战的火箭被猛龙逼进加时,Bosh buried his fourth 3-pointer of the season with 33 seconds left. 打中锋的博什在本节还有33秒时投中三分,将差距缩小到1分。The Raptors got the ball to Marshall, but he didn’t get it into basket. 火箭队投篮不中后,猛龙在比赛还有8.9秒时取得球权。马绍尔最后一击不中,此时终场铃声响起。Finally, the Rockets fixed2 the score at 90-89. 最后火箭以90-89一分险胜。 [主持人] 慧慧:90比89,火箭也真够悬的嘛 Nathan:yup,a little bit. But it was much more fun when you watched that match. 慧慧:没错没错,所以NBA的比赛总是这么激动人心,一直揪着心在看。 Nathan:exactly! It always keeps you excited, coz you never know which one would win over till the end of the game. Really fun! 慧慧:当然NBA除了比赛本身那么吸引人之外,球员也是其中相当大的一个卖点哦 Nathan:oh, I know you wanna bring Yao Ming up now, don’t you? 慧慧:哎Nathan,你可太了解我了。姚明这场比赛表现也不俗哦 Nathan:oh, ok. Let’s check him out! [短片] Yao Ming had 25 points and 17 rebounds3 and he was dominant4 despite foul5 trouble, making 9-of-20 shots from the floor and 7-of-7 free throws. 姚明功过参半,全场20投9中,拿下25分17个篮板, he had only one block before making his biggest play of the night on the defensive6 end. 但他在加时赛一分未得,第四节关键时刻两次可以提前结束比赛的机会都没把握住,however, He blocked Donyell Marshall's layup attempt in the final seconds of overtime7 as the Houston Rockets held on for the victory over the Toronto Raptors.不过第四节关键时刻姚明送出一记关键盖帽也救了火箭。 [主持人] Nathan:wow, pretty cool! It seems Rockets would probably get into Playoff 慧慧:嗯,我也觉得火箭打进季后赛的希望还是很大的,不过你知道么,3月26号败给灰雄,你猜比分是多少? Nathan:Rockets and Grizzlies8? 不会很夸张吧? 慧慧:就是很夸张,我估计火箭真是快哭了,109比86,差了23分! Nathan:wow, it’s unbelievable. They haven’t been that fail since the recent two seasons. 慧慧:oh, 我们还是来看一看吧。 [短片] 26日晚上,体育馆的读秒器还剩下几秒钟,垂头丧气的火箭队员们已是纷纷冲进球员通道,就好像要逃离视线中109比86的比分牌,也好像要逃离这个夜晚的伤心回忆。有的新闻标题居然是,Grizzlies beaten them up! 面对这样的惨败,范甘迪无言以对,他只是绷着脸,惜字如金地说:"I don't think I did a good job as a coach getting our team prepared," Houston coach Jeff Van Gundy said. "You have to be ready to play, to be No. 1, and we were not ready to compete at the level that they competed at."(我想,准备得不好责任在我,而随时做好准备对一支球队来说是首要的事情。让队员们了解准备对付全联盟战绩最好的球队,应该要比其他球队充分得多,但显然是我没有传达好这个信息,我失职了。) [主持人] Nathan:wow,it really not that common to be happened, what’s wrong with the Rockets? 慧慧:这场火箭是有点大意了,不过知错就改还是好的嘛 Nathan:what do you mean by Zhi Cuo Jiu Gai? 慧慧:well,火箭用一场新的胜利来证明自己的实力。3月28号的加时中他们以111-107赢了雄鹿。 Nathan:another OT win? Cool! let’s check it out! [短片] Steve Francis added the clinching9 free throw with two seconds remaining as the Houston Rockets posted a 111-107 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks10 .弗朗西丝最后两秒的一记罚球将比分锁定在111-107。Francis said. "I was able to get to the basket cleanly and put it in."赛后弗朗西丝也认为本场比赛自己发挥出色。"Maurice made two great shots and we really had good execution in the overtime until maybe the final minute," said Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy.火箭教练范甘迪也对Maurice Taylor的两记关键投篮予以肯定,并且认为全队直到加时赛的最后一刻都表现出色。至于姚明虽然加时赛一分未得,但他在第四节拿下8分,也为火箭扳平比分立下大功。 [主持人] Nathan:wow, cool! 慧慧:火箭现在在西部赛区排名第七,虽然和排名第八的丹佛掘金相差不多,如果火箭能一直保持这种状态,打入playoff绝对有戏嘛。 Nathan:yea, sure. 我一直看好火箭嘛,而且姚明!really good! 慧慧:好吧,that’s all for NBA today. Nathan:have you enjoyed? 点击收听单词发音
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