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奉了上司之命,Jennifer负责策划一项广告活动。由于广告促销的成效对销售业绩将有决定性的影响,因此这可不是份轻松的差事;尤其在做好决定之后,该如何向上司说明,以取得他们的支持,则有赖于做简报的技巧和方式。 I'm here today to present my research about the advertising1 campaign for the Kitchen Master microwave oven. Since this is a new product, our main goal is to establish brand awareness2 among our target audience, which is working women, aged3 25 to 40. According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan. And a full 80% said they watch at least one hour of television each night. If you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine advertisements. I suggest 60% of the budget go toward spot ads, 35% toward print ads, and 5% toward outdoor advertising. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble. But with the proper media mix we can certainly lessen4 the chance of failure. 今天我要向各位报告的是为“大厨师”广告所做调查的结果。由于“大厨师”是新产品,我们的广告必须要在目标顾客群中,也就是25岁至40岁的职业妇女中,建立起品牌知名度。 根据我所得到的数据,接受调查访问的职业妇女中,有百分之五十的人表示,她们阅读台湾最畅销的五本妇女杂志中至少一本。而有整整百分之八十的受访者表示,她们每晚至少看一个小时的电视。 如果各位看一下这张图表,就可以知道,最好的媒体组合是,电视和杂志广告并用。我建议将预算的百分之六十拨给电视广告,百分之三十五给杂志,其余的百分之五做户外广告。 总的来说,即使我们的目标顾客已很清晰,但新产品上巿本来就像赌博,没人能有十成的把握。然而,媒体组合选用得当,我们自然会降低失败的机率。 短语解说 brand awareness 品牌知名度 这是个广告的专业用语,指消费者对某项产品的认识。"Awareness"由"aware"变化而来,后者为形容词,有“知晓;注意到”的意思。"Brand",‘牌子、商标’。 To increase brand awareness, we will have to advertise on TV to reach the largest possible audience. 为了提高知名度,我们必须打电视广告,尽可能让最多的观众看到我们的产品。 target audience 目标大众 每一项产品在制作广告之前,都会选定某一群人作为主要的诉求对象,这群人就称为该广告的“目标大众”。目标大众决定之后,广告内容、媒体、甚至播出时段,才能随之选定。"Target",靶子、目标。 Our current ads are not reaching the target audience. We'll have to make some changes. 本公司目前的广告并没有发挥对目标大众的影响力,我们得做些改变。 media mix 媒体组合 "Media" 在此指将产品信息传达给目标大众的媒介,包括电视、广播、报纸、杂志等等。在为产品制作广告时,通常经由各种研究与调查,找出效果最大、效率最高的几种广告方式,同时使用。这些不同媒体的组合使用即是"media mix"。 With the proper media mix, you can effectively reach your target audience. 媒体组合若选用得宜,你的广告便能有效地影响目标大众。 spot ad(s) 电视或收音机广告 这是美式口语的说法,"spot ad" 就是电视或广播节目中的广告,又可简称为"spot"。 Spot ads are the most expensive and usually the most effective. 电视和收音机广告的费用最贵,而效果通常也最好。 print ad(s) 平面广告 这词组直译就是“印刷式的广告”,即纸面上的广告,主要是指报纸和杂志广告。 The designer's specialty5 is creating breathtaking print ads. 创作令人惊异的平面广告是这位设计师的专长。 句型总结 ● 广告的目标 1. Our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 2. Our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 3. The main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。"Main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标’。 ● 调查的数据 1. According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan. 2. The numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan. 3. As the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of Taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines. 说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为"figures"、"numbers"和"facts"等。 ● 依调查判断 1. If you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine ads. 2. By looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads. 3. As you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads. 根据调查结果提出方案时,通常会以图表作解释。请与会者看图表时可使用"if"句型,但它不是假设语气,而是一种客气的说法。 ● 下结论 1. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble. 2. In summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble. 3. I've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet I also think introducing a new product is always a gamble. 在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"To conclude","in summary"或"I think"都是做结论的实用词汇。 结构分析 这次演讲实质上是个报告,因此只要针对研究的结果,有条理地叙述出来即可。 1. 广告目标 点出这次广告媒体效益调查的目标。 2. 调查数据 提出调查所得的事实与数据。 3. 做出决定 向大家报告根据上述的事实所做的决定。 4. 总结报告 做总结,推测目前的行事态度或方针。 点击 ![]()
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