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赢得主动 (从实际情况出发, 选择适合国情的发展模式是赢得主动, 加快发展的关键。) to take the initiative to gain the upper hand to master the situation
保持共产党员先进性to maintain the vanguard nature (of the Communists) 整体资源 (加强互利合作,运用整体资源是应对全球化的有效途径。) to use pooled (all/aggregate) resources 能耗转移 (随着世界制造业向中国大规模转移,也带来一定程度的“能耗转移”。) The massive shift of manufacturing to China has also brought about a transfer of energy consumption to a certain degree. 中国的自身发展China's own development 两难问题(在经济和社会协调过程中一系列两难问题的挑战) dilemma1 in the process of coordinating2 economic and social development 高投入,高消耗,高污染的旧式工业化道路the old-style industrialization characterized by(with/featuring)high input3, high consumption and high pollution 不合时宜的社会治理模式outdated4 governance 后兴大国late-coming/late coming power catching-up power 后发优势advantages of a late comer * 经济学: catching-up effect 后发现代化国家China, a late-comer in modernization5 以意识形态划线的冷战思维the cold-war mentality6 (thinking)of alignment7 by ideologies8 节约型发展道路resource efficient (conservation/thrifty) development strategy 中等收入阶层middle-income group (section) 中国特色的人力资源优势China's advantage in human resources 世界经验还要借鉴下去,中国特色还要坚持下去。 We will continue to draw on foreign experience while maintaining Chinese characteristics. (消费结构)基本生活型consumption pattern of low-income groups (国外经济学) consumption pattern of meeting the basic needs of life 现代生活型modern-life consumption pattern 住房公积金publicly accumulated housing fund housing fund (在爱滋病区)实行免费匿名检测free and confidential test 民主政治democracy (政协)反映社情民意to reflect social conditions and public opinion 善于同……周旋to tactfully deal with 主导因素leading(dominant)factor 忧患意识和塑造意识sense of urgency and willingness to initiate (to shape things) 两元经济结构urban-rural dual economy 科学发展观to take a scientific approach to development to pursue a scientific strategy of development 第十一个五年规划规划:guidelines the Eleventh Five-Year Development Guidelines 生活垃圾无害化处理domestic garbage was harmlessly treated innocuous disposal of domestic garbage 绿化覆盖率greenery coverage 农村土地确权verify/establish rural land-use rights 多点支撑的增长局面初步形成economic growth has been brought by multiple props/driving forces/multi-stimuli economic growth has been driven by … * 经济增长点:growth areas/growth sectors 会展经济conference economy 城乡一体的紧急医疗救援体系integrated urban-rural emergency medical service system 山区搬迁relocate/resettle mountain inhabitants 全程办事代理制 full range agent service through agent service “一站式”办公 one-stop service 降低企业准入门槛 to lower the threshold for market entry (access) 工伤保险 work-related injury insurance 社会守法意识、公德意识有待增强 to strengthen law-abiding and social ethics awareness 城市快速路 city expressway 城市主干路 city thoroughfare/avenue 公共客运系统 mass transit system 建设园林景观道路 to landscape roads 点击 ![]()
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