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to build a conservation-conscious society 发展循环经济 to develop a circular economy 以资源的高效和循环利用,促进经济、社会的可持续发展 to promote sustainable economic and social development through efficient use and reuse of resources 坚持资源开发与节约并重,把节约放在首位的方针 to uphold the policy of emphasizing the equal importance of both the exploitation and conservation of resources, giving added weight to the latter 全面推进资源节约和综合利用 to push ahead with a nationwide campaign of economizing1 on and making comprehensive use of resources 加大对资源节约和循环利用关键技术的攻关力度 to make greater efforts to develop critical technology for the purpose of conservation and recycle of resources 完善有利于节约资源的财税政策 to further improve the financial and taxation2 policies so as to encourage resource conservation 发展节能型交通运输工具 to develop a new generation of energy-efficient means of transportation 开发利用可再生能源 to exploit and utilize3 renewable energy resources 加快节能技术服务体系建设 to speed up the establishment of technical service systems for more efficient use of energy resources 再生资源的回收利用 recyclable use of renewable resources 第六届亚欧财长会议 The Sixth Asia-Europe Finance Ministers' Meeting 亚欧新型全面伙伴关系 a new type of comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership4 采取负责任的宏观经济政策 to adopt a macro-economic policy in a responsible manner 保持主要储备货币间的币值稳定 to maintain stability among major reserve currencies 深化财政和金融实质性合作 to enhance substantive5 cooperation in the fiscal6 and financial sector7 经济运行中突出问题 the glaring problems in the economic operation 相知无远近,万里尚为邻 Long distances cannot separate true friends sharing one heart; they can be like close neighbors even thousands of miles apart. 建立应对经济和金融突发事件的紧急对话机制 to establish a dialogue mechanism8 in response to economic and financial eventualities 红色旅游 red tourism 红色旅游区 red tourist destinations (sites/spots)related to the history of CPC tourist destinations (sites/spots) of revolutionary traditional interests 红色旅游精品路线 choice (recommended/highlight) tours of revolutionary heritage (tradition) 从善如流 to readily follow good advice to do good naturally and happily to follow good advice as naturally as a river follows its course to take advice with a receptive mind to be open-minded to something to be open to advice and criticism to readily follow what is right 仁至义尽 to exercise (show) the utmost restraint/forbearance 台湾问题不能出事 things must be kept within bounds as far as the Taiwan question is concerned the Taiwan question should not (be allowed to) get out of control 拉美国下水 to drag the US into troubled waters (the mire) to make the US hostage to the … issue 自欺欺人 deceive oneself as well as others self-deception 顺民意,合民情 accord with the popular will and sentiments 普遍认为法律条文比较平和,宽松 (反分裂国家法) The wording of the law is generally considered to be fairly moderate and tolerate in tone (客远包机)节日化 to make charter flights available on festival basis to make charter flights available for traditional festivals 全国人大高票通过《反分裂国家法》(实际上没有反对票)。 The NPC passed the Anti-Secession Law with no dissenting/opposing votes. 两国边境地区可以说是阡陌相通, 鸡犬之声相闻 (中缅关系)。 China and Myanmar are close neighbors with their border people living within hailing distance. 中国政府打击知识产权违法行为是坚定不移和毫不手软的。 The Chinese government is firm and resolute9 in fighting IPR violations10. 我们不应该厚此薄彼。 We should not favor one to the neglect of the other. We should not play favoritism. 走自己的路,让别人说去吧。 Go one's own way, whatever others may say. 反分裂法是被逼出来的。 We have no choice but to enact11 the Anti-Secession Law. The Anti-Secession Law is driven by circumstances. The Anti-Secession Law is enacted12 under compelling circumstances. 三十而立,四十不惑。 At the age of 30, a man should be able to stand on his own feet; at 40, he should be able to avoid perplexities. 讲公道话,办公道事。 Be fair in word and deed. 黄金发展期 golden(rare/prime) period of development 矛盾凸显期 (二十一世纪上半叶,我们既面临“黄金发展期”,又面对矛盾凸显期。) a period of increasing problems a period of major challenges 点击 ![]()
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