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job analysis job and pay comparison job content job costing job costing and financial management information system job description job enrichment job evaluation2 job evaluation factor job factor job family job inspection3 job questionnaire job schedule job score job security job size job summary job title job weight job-related allowance job-related rank jobs under comparison Joint4 Committee on the Clerical Class joint consultative committee joint venture building joint-user office building journey leave JP [Justice of the Peace] JSPS [Judicial5 Service Pay Scale] Judge, Court of Final Appeal Judge of the District Court Judge of the High Court Judicial Clerk Judicial Clerks Association judicial officer Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission judicial service Judicial Service Pay Scale [JSPS] Judicial Service Regulations Judiciary Judiciary Employees General Union, The junior member of the civil service junior officer junior police officer Junior Police Officer junior staff jurisdiction6 jury service Justice of the Peace [JP] keep in view [k.i.v.] keeper class key result area killed on duty k.i.v. [keep in view] Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation [KCRC] Laboratory Attendant Laboratory Specialist Services Officer Laboratory Technician Labour Department [LD] Labour Inspector Labour Inspectors Association Labour Officer Land Conveyancing Officer Land Executive Land Executives Association Land Inspector Land Inspectors Union Land Registrar [LR] Land Registration Officer Land Registry [LR] Land Surveyor Lands Department [Lands D] Lands Department Drivers Association Lands Department Estate Surveyors Association, The Lands Department Inspectors Association Landscape Architect last in, first out lateral filing rack lateral transfer Launch Master Launch Mechanic laundry allowance Law Clerk Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, The [LRC] Law Translation Officer Leadership Enhancement and Development Programme leadership skill Leading Sewerman Learning Recognition Scheme Learning Resource Centre [LRC] [Civil Service Training and Development Institute] leave leave accumulation limit Leave and Last Pay Certificate leave and passage arrangements leave balance leave counting for pension leave cycle leave earning rate leave entitlement leave flat leave in credit leave of absence leave passage leave passage allowance leave passage allowance account leave passage allowance entitlement leave passage eligibility period leave passage entitlement leave pay leave rate leave rate outside a year leave rate within a year leave record leave record card leave recording and leave calculation system leave relief leave reserve leave reserve establishment leave roster leave salary leave terms leave transfer leave travel allowance Lecturer (Graduate) Lecturer (Non-Graduate) ledger charge ledger folio legal advice Legal Aid Assistant Legal Aid Counsel Legal Aid Department [LAD] Legal Aid Department Law Clerks Association Legal Aid Services Council [LASC] Legal Manager General Legal Notice [LN] legal obligation and restriction legal professional privilege legal services department Legal Supplement to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette legal year legally qualified officer LegCo Brief LegCo Panel on Public Service Legislative Council Secretariat legislative proposal legislature Leisure and Cultural Services Department [LCSD] Lektriever length of service letter of acceptance letter of appointment letter of appreciation letter of authorization letter of commendation letter of intent level of responsibility level of salary liability to dismissal Liaison Officer Librarian life certificate life cycle [records] Lift Operator line management linked agreement linked contract linked course List of Materials for Condemnation as Unserviceable [GF 233] List of Ranks Whose Pay Scale Have Already Been Adjusted in Recognition of the Requirement to Work Shifts live-in requirement L/M [loose minute] LN [Legal Notice] loan agreement loan register local agreement officer local agreement terms local candidate local conditions of service local contract local directorate officer local education allowance local flexible annual leave local officer local permanent and pensionable terms local recruitment local subsistence allowance local supplier local terms of appointment local terms of service localization of the civil service localization policy locally engaged staff locally modelled terms lodging allowance logistical arrangement Long and Meritorious Service Award Scheme long service increment long service payment Long Service Travel Award Scheme long-term quarters loose minute [L/M] loss of earning capacity low priority lower end of the pay scale lower quartile lower salary band lowest conforming tender lowest tender to specifications LRC [Learning Resource Centre] [Civil Service Training and Development Institute] lump sum dependant pension lump sum gratuity
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