| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magistrate1 main file maintenance grant Maintenance Surveyor maladministration management action management and operation of the public service management and staff management charge management committee management considerations allowance management efficiency management framework management function management information management information system management of change Management of Public Finances management practice management review management services Management Services Agency [MSA] Management Services Officer management side management staff management structure management training course management-initiated retirement2 scheme [MIR scheme] Manager, Cultural Services Managing Active Records: File Management managing by programme managing by results managing for results Mandatory3 Provident4 Fund Schemes Authority [MPFA] manning ratio manning scale manpower deployment5 manpower planning manpower survey Marine Department [MD] Marine Department Chinese Employees Union Marine Department Technical Inspectors8 Association Marine Department Tender Board Marine Industrial Safety Inspector7 Marine Inspector Marine Officer Marine Officers Association mark time point market availability market chart [salary] market line [salary] market rate comparison [salary] mark-off system marriage bar marriage leave married (departmental) accommodation married officer Master (Correctional Services) master file index Master Pay Scale [MPS] matching job material date material requisition note matriculation grade matters arising Mature Officers Advancement12 Scheme maximum leave accumulation limit maximum pay maximum pension maximum pension status maximum salary point MBB [Medal for Bravery (Bronze)] MBG [Medal for Bravery (Gold)] MBS [Medal for Bravery (Silver)] means test Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Inspector Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB] Medal for Bravery (Gold) [MBG] Medal for Bravery (Silver) [MBS] Medal of Honour [MH] median job size medical and dental benefits Medical and Health Officer medical assessment14 Medical Assessment Board Medical Board medical certificate medical class medical enquiry form medical examination Medical Examination Board Medical Laboratory Technician medical report medical store medical technology class meeting paper Member, Lands Tribunal memo15 [memorandum16] memorandum [memo] Memorandum of Intention memorandum on conditions of service merit payment merit trip Merit Trip Scheme meritorious17 service Meter Reader MH [Medal of Honour] microfilm duplex microfilm reader-printer microfilm (roll film) microfilming system micrographic system middle management middle salary band mid-point salary mid-point service length requirement Midwife minimum qualifying period [acting appointment] minimum salary point minimum stock level minimum tour minor19 disciplinary offence minor housing-related benefits minor incidental out-of-pocket expense minor offence minor staff minute minute sheet minutes of meeting MIR scheme [management-initiated retirement scheme] misconduct misrepresentation missing file search mission statement mixed pension mixed service pension mobile grade mobile rack mobile racking system model constitution Model Scale 1 grades [qualification group] Model Scale 1 Pay Scale Model Scale 1 Staff Consultative Council modular course modular design modular training modus operandi monetization of fringe benefits monthly dependant20 pension monthly pension monthly salary monthly statement monthly stores monthly-paid officer monthly-rated officer month-to-month terms mortgage interest subsidy21 scheme mortgage loan mortgage protection policy Mortuary Attendant Mortuary Officer Mortuary Technician most economical offer motivation Motor Driver Motor Driver (CAC) Motor Vehicle Examiner movement of files MPS [Master Pay Scale] MTR Corporation Limited multi-disciplinary professional team multi-discipline post multiple entry points multiple tour agreement multiplying factor multi-skilled general support service multi-skilling municipal services grade Music Officer mutatis mutandis NAMS [notional annual mid-point salary] NAMS ceiling [notional annual mid-point salary ceiling] NAMS committed [notional annual mid-point salary committed] NAMS spent [notional annual mid-point salary spent] n.a.n. [no action necessary] Narcotics25 Division [Security Bureau] natural wastage NDQ [non-departmental quarters] nearest to specifications26 negligence27 of duty negotiation28 skill net pay net pay increase Net Pay Trend Indicator29 net pensionable service new appointment New Pension Scheme new recruit n.f.a. [no further action] night duty no action necessary [n.a.n.] no further action [n.f.a.] no-claim limit nomination31 paper non-accountable allowance non-accountable cash allowance Non-Civil Service Contract Staff Scheme non-commissioned officer non-commissioned rank non-conforming tender non-contributory provident fund non-degree entry grade non-departmental quarters [NDQ] non-directorate office non-directorate officer non-English speaking country non-established office non-ethnic Chinese non-expatriate terms non-functional post non-functional promotion32 post non-functional promotion ratio non-graduate officer non-inventory non-inventory item Non-Inventory Stores Consolidated33 Issue Voucher34 (Large) [GF 283A] Non-Inventory Stores Consolidated Issue Voucher (Small) [GF 283] Non-Inventory Stores Ledger35 Sheet [GF 291] non-leave day non-leave earning non-local candidate non-local officer non-means tested non-negotiable copy non-official non-official Justice of the Peace non-passage-earning leave non-pay-trend-related factor non-pensionable office non-pensionable officer non-pensionable service non-performer non-professional grade non-P.S.C. office non-records non-recurrent commitment non-school-passage-earning leave non-standard air passage non-standard allowance non-standard item non-standard passage allowance non-standard sea passage allowance non-standard storage rack non-substantive appointment non-unionized staff no-pay leave no-pay sick leave normal checking normal hours of attendance normal increment normal retirement normal retirement age normal retirement benefit normal sick leave entitlement normal tour normal wastage normal working hours notes of meeting notes of pre-meeting Notice of Change of Interest Rate notice of discharge notice of intention to appeal notice of meeting notice of resignation Notification of Priority Number under the Home Purchase Scheme Notification of Retirement/Resignation Notification to Relinquish Existing Civil Service Housing Benefits notional annual mid-point salary [NAMS] notional annual mid-point salary ceiling [NAMS ceiling] notional annual mid-point salary committed [NAMS committed] notional annual mid-point salary spent [NAMS spent] notional annual salary cost at mid-point notional highest pensionable emolument notional hours of work notional leave notional tour novation and release agreement numerical year
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