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obsolescent3 grade obsolescent rank obsolete item occupational class occupational class system Occupational Hygienist Occupational Hygienists Association Occupational Safety and Health Council [OSHC] Occupational Safety Officer Occupational Safety Officers Union Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapy Assistant off-duty day off-duty Saturday offer of advantages offered appointment Office Assistant Office Assistant (CAC) office bearer [staff association] office equipment office layout Office of the Commissioner of Insurance [Office of the C of I] [Financial Services Bureau] Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing, The [BO] Office of The Ombudsman [OFOMB] Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data [also known as the Privacy Commissioners Office] [PCO] Office of the Telecommunications Authority [OFTA] office practice officer appointed on local terms officer appointed on overseas terms officer at the appropriate level officer at the next lower rank officer of equivalent status officer on overseas permanent terms officer on permanent establishment officer on secondment officer on short term employment officer on trial officer serving on an incremental scale officer serving on terms which attract retirement benefits officer-in-charge Officer/Superintendent of Correctional Services official business official capacity official code word official correspondence official dealings official duty official emolument official entertainment official instruction Official Languages Agency [OLA] official member official position Official Receiver [OR] Official Receivers Office [ORO] official side official trustee official visit OFOMB [Office of The Ombudsman] Old Pension Scheme OLV [one-line vote] OMB [Ombudsman, The] Ombuds News OmbudsHour Forum Ombudsman Awards Scheme Ombudsman Awards, The ombudsman institution Ombudsman, The [OMB] Ombudsmans Newsletter to Non-official JPs omitted point on agreement on annuity basis [Home Purchase Scheme] on attachment on calendar day basis on call on contract On Course on duty on leave on leave prior to resignation on leave prior to retirement on loan on medical grounds on off-point salary on a personal basis on probation on secondment on temporary transfer on transfer on trial on-call duty on-call duty allowance on-cost one-line vote [OLV] one-off settlement grant one-point scale one-post grade one-rank grade on-the-job skill on-the-job training open directorate concept open file open recruitment open recruitment exercise open tender open-plan office operational departmental quarters operational effectiveness operational efficiency operational level operational liaison operational management reform operational need operational objective operational plan operational procedure operational quarters operational relief operational requirement operational reserve operational staff operational support services operational transparency Operations and Training Assistant Operations and Training Officer Operations Officer opt out option form Option Form for Home Financing Scheme Option Form for Housing Benefits option period Optometrist oral evidence order of business organization chart organization of work organizational anomaly organizational set-up orientation course Orthoptist "out" movement outcome-oriented outdoor staff outdoor work outgoing officer outline organization Outlook [Efficiency Unit] outpost outreach activity outreach visit outside activity outside employment outside work outsourcing outsourcing policy outstanding loan outstanding performer outstation outward passage overall average incremental increase overall effectiveness overall framework overall performance rating overall policy framework overall promotion ratio overall rating overall review over-assess overlapping scale overlapping shift overseas addition [leave] overseas agreement officer overseas agreement terms overseas annual leave overseas annual leave with passages overseas annual-cum-vacation leave overseas audit service overseas conditions of service overseas contract overseas degree overseas duty overseas duty visit overseas education allowance Overseas Inspectors Association overseas leave overseas office overseas officer overseas permanent and pensionable terms overseas posting overseas supplier overseas terms of appointment overseas terms of service overseas training terms overseas vocational training overstay of leave overtime allowance overtime payment 点击 ![]()
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