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Poirot lunched with the doctor in a pleasant square room with a window open on to the garden.
Lord said:
“Did you get what you wanted out of old Slattery?”
Poirot nodded.
“What did you want with her?”
“Gossip! Talk about old days. Some crimes have their roots in the past. I think this one had.”
“I don’t understand a word you are talking about.”
Poirot smiled. He said:
“This fish is deliciously fresh.”
Lord said impatiently:
“I dare say. I caught it myself before breakfast this morning. Look here, Poirot, am I to haveany idea what you’re driving at? Why keep me in the dark?”
The other shook his head.
“Because as yet there is no light. I am always brought up short by the fact that there was no onewho had any reason to kill Mary Gerrard—except Elinor Carlisle.”
Peter Lord said:
“You can’t be sure of that. She’d been abroad for some time, remember.”
“You’ve been to Germany yourself?”
“Can you depend on other people?”
“Certainly. It is not for me to run here and there, doing amateurishly4 the things that for a smallsum someone else can do with professional skill. I can assure you, mon cher, I have several ironson the fire. I have some useful assistants—one of them a former burglar.”
“What do you use him for?”
“The last thing I have used him for was a very thorough search of Mr. Welman’s flat.”
“What was he looking for?”
Poirot said:
“One always likes to know exactly what lies have been told one.”
“Did Welman tell you a lie?”
“Who else has lied to you?”
“Everybody, I think: Nurse O’Brien romantically; Nurse Hopkins stubbornly; Mrs. Bishopvenomously. You yourself—”
“Good God!” Peter Lord interrupted him unceremoniously. “You don’t think I’ve lied to you,do you?”
“Not yet,” Poirot admitted.
Dr. Lord sank back in his chair. He said:
“You’re a disbelieving sort of fellow, Poirot.”
Then he said:
“If you’ve finished, shall we set off for Hunterbury? I’ve got some patients to see later, and thenthere’s the surgery.”
“I am at your disposal, my friend.”
They set off on foot, entering the grounds by the back drive. Halfway5 up it they met a tall, good-looking young fellow wheeling a barrow. He touched his cap respectfully to Dr. Lord.
“Good morning, Horlick. This is Horlick, the gardener, Poirot. He was working here thatmorning.”
Horlick said:
“Yes, sir, I was. I saw Miss Elinor that morning and talked to her.”
Poirot asked:
“What did she say to you?”
“She told me the house was as good as sold, and that rather took me aback, sir; but Miss Elinorsaid as how she’d speak for me to Major Somervell, and that maybe he’d keep me on—if he didn’tthink me too young, perhaps, as head—seeing as how I’d had good training under Mr. Stephens,here.”
Dr. Lord said:
“Did she seem much the same as usual, Horlick?”
“Why, yes, sir, except that she looked a bit excited like—and as though she had something onher mind.”
Hercule Poirot said:
“Did you know Mary Gerrard?”
“Oh, yes, sir. But not very well.”
Poirot said:
“What was she like?”
Horlick looked puzzled.
“Like sir? Do you mean to look at?”
“Not exactly. I mean, what kind of a girl was she?”
“Oh, well, sir, she was a very superior sort of a girl. Nice spoken and all that. Thought a lot ofherself, I should say. You see, old Mrs. Welman had made a lot of fuss over her. Made her fatherwild, that did. He was like a bear with a sore head about it.”
Poirot said:
“By all that I’ve heard, he had not the best of tempers, that old one?”
“No, indeed, he hadn’t. Always grumbling6, and crusty as they make them. Seldom had a civilword for you.”
Poirot said:
“You were here on that morning. Whereabouts were you working?”
“Mostly in the kitchen garden, sir.”
“You cannot see the house from there?”
“No, sir.”
Peter Lord said:
“If anybody had come up to the house—up to the pantry window—you wouldn’t have seenthem?”
“No, I wouldn’t, sir.”
Peter Lord said:
“When did you go to your dinner?”
“One o’clock, sir.”
“And you didn’t see anything—any man hanging about—or a car outside—anything like that?”
“Outside the back gate, sir? There was your car there—nobody else’s.”
Peter Lord cried:
“My car: It wasn’t my car! I was over Withenbury direction that morning. Didn’t get back tillafter two.”
Horlick looked puzzled.
“I made sure it was your car, sir,” he said doubtfully.
Peter Lord said quickly:
“Oh, well, it doesn’t matter. Good morning, Horlick.”
He and Poirot moved on. Horlick stared after them for a minute or two, then slowly resumed hisprogress with the wheelbarrow.
Peter Lord said softly—but with great excitement:
Poirot said:
“What make is your car, my friend?”
“And you are sure that it was not yours? You haven’t mistaken the day?”
“Absolutely certain. I was over at Withenbury, came back late, snatched a bit of lunch, and thenthe call came through about Mary Gerrard and I rushed over.”
Poirot said softly:
Peter Lord said:
“Someone was here that morning…someone who was not Elinor Carlisle, nor Mary Gerrard,nor Nurse Hopkins….”
Poirot said:
“This is very interesting. Come, let us make our investigations11. Let us see, for instance,supposing a man (or woman) were to wish to approach the house unseen, how they would setabout it.”
Halfway along the drive a path branched off through some shrubbery. They took this and at acertain turn in it Peter Lord clutched Poirot’s arm, pointing to a window.
He said:
“That’s the window of the pantry where Elinor Carlisle was cutting the sandwiches.”
Poirot murmured:
“And from here, anyone could see her cutting them. The window was open, if I rememberrightly?”
Peter Lord said:
“It was wide open. It was a hot day, remember.”
“Then if anyone wished to watch unseen what was going on, somewhere about here would be agood spot.”
The two men cast about. Peter Lord said:
“There’s a place here—behind these bushes. Some stuff’s been trampled13 down here. It’s grownup again now, but you can see plainly enough.”
Poirot joined him. He said thoughtfully:
“Yes, this is a good place. It is concealed14 from the path, and that opening in the shrubs15 givesone a good view of the window. Now, what did he do, our friend who stood here? Did he perhapssmoke?”
Peter Lord straightened up from his own search.
“What is it?”
With care and delicacy19 he salved the object. He displayed it at last on a sheet of notepaper takenfrom his pocket.
Peter Lord said:
“It’s foreign. My god! German matches!”
Hercule Poirot said:
“And Mary Gerrard had recently come from Germany!”
Peter Lord said exultantly20:
“We’ve got something now! You can’t deny it.”
Hercule Poirot said slowly:
“But, damn it all, man. Who on earth round here would have had foreign matches?”
Hercule Poirot said:
“I know—I know.”
He said:
“It is not quite so simple as you think. There is one great difficulty. Do you not see it yourself?”
“What? Tell me.”
Poirot sighed.
“If you do not see for yourself… But come, let us go on.”
They went on to the house. Peter Lord unlocked the back door with a key.
He led the way through the scullery to the kitchen, through that, along a passage where therewas a cloakroom on one side and the butler’s pantry on the other. The two men looked round thepantry.
It had the usual cupboards with sliding glass doors for glass and china. There was a gas ring andtwo kettles and canisters marked Tea and Coffee on a shelf above. There was a sink and drainingboard and a papier-m?ché washing-up bowl. In front of the window was a table.
Peter Lord said:
“It was on this table that Elinor Carlisle cut the sandwiches. The fragment of the morphine labelwas found in this crack in the floor under the sink.”
Poirot said thoughtfully:
“The police are careful searchers. They do not miss much.”
Peter Lord said violently:
“There’s no evidence that Elinor ever handled that tube! I tell you, someone was watching herfrom the shrubbery outside. She went down to the Lodge22 and he saw his chance and slipped in,uncorked the tube, crushed some tablets of morphine to powder and put them into the topsandwich.
He never noticed that he’d torn a bit off the label of the tube, and that it had fluttered down thecrack. He hurried away, started up his car and went off again.”
Poirot sighed.
Peter Lord demanded angrily:
“Do you mean to say that you don’t believe someone stood in those bushes watching thewindow?”
Poirot said:
“Yes, I believe that….”
“Then we’ve got to find whoever it was!”
Poirot murmured:
“We shall not have to look far, I fancy.”
“Do you mean you know?”
“I have a very shrewd idea.”
Peter Lord said slowly:
Hercule Poirot said, tapping his forehead:
“My friend, it is all here, in my head… Come, let us look over the house.”
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