日期:2014-04-06 All that's gold does not glitter, thanks to new work by UC Irvine scientists that could reduce glare from solar panels and electronic displays and dull dangerous glints(闪烁) on military weapons. We found that a very simple process and a tiny bit... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-06 In 2005, NASA's Cassini spacecraft sent pictures back to Earth depicting an icy Saturnian moon spewing water vapor and ice from fractures, known as tiger stripes, in its frozen surface. It was big news that tiny Enceladus -- a mere 500 kilometers in... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-04 If your dog looks pleased to see you it is probably because it loves the particular way you smell. 如果你的狗一见到你就显得很开心的话,有可能是因为它喜欢你散发出的独特气味。 The odour of a familiar human apparently lingers like perfume in the animal... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 Conventional wisdom and scientific arguments have claimed that societies with more men than women, such as China, will become more violent, but a University of California, Davis, study has found that a male-biased sex ratio does not lead to more cri... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 From the Murdochs to the Hiltons, families have long sought to keep their businesses in the bloodline. But new research from Concordia University's John Molson School of Business shows that's not necessarily the best method of management. The recent... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 It's not a hair-brained idea: A new research report appearing in the April 2014 issue of The FASEB Journal explains why people with a rare balding condition called atrichia(毛发缺乏) with papular lesions lose their hair, and it identifies a strate... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 Evidence left at the crime scene is abundant and global: Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass extincti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 The amount of water present in the moon may have been overestimated by scientists studying the mineral apatite(磷灰石) , says a team of researchers led by Jeremy Boyce of the UCLA Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. Boyce and his co... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-02 Why zebras have black and white stripes is a question that has intrigued scientists and spectators for centuries. A research team led by the University of California, Davis, has now examined this riddle systematically. Their answer is published Apri... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-31 Being underweight puts people at highest risk of dying, just as obesity does, new research has found. The connection between being underweight and the higher risk of dying is true for both adults and fetuses(胎儿) . This is so even when factors su... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-31 Ammonia(氨) pollution from agricultural sources poses larger health costs than previously estimated, according to NASA-funded research. Harvard University researchers Fabien Paulot and Daniel Jacob used computer models including a NASA model of ch... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-31 Despite the popular conception of giant pandas as continually chomping(格格地咬牙) on bamboo to fulfill a voracious(贪吃的) appetite for this reedy(芦苇丛生的) grass, new research from the Monell Center reveals that this highly endangered spec... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-31 A future computer might be a lot slimier than the solid silicon devices we have today. In a study published in the journal Materials Today, European researchers reveal details of logic units built using living slime molds, which might act as the bui... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-31 The largest earthquakes occur where oceanic plates move beneath continents. Obviously, water trapped in the boundary between both plates has a dominant(占优势的) influence on the earthquake rupture process. Analyzing the great Chile earthquake of... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 Scientists monitored Cuvier's beaked whales' record-breaking dives to depths of nearly two miles below the ocean surface and some dives lasted for over two hours, according to results published March 26, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 By reptile standards, alligators are positively chatty. They are the most vocal of the non-avian reptiles and are known to be able to pinpoint the source of sounds with accuracy. But it wasn't clear exactly how they did it because they lack external... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 New Caledonian crows may understand how to displace water to receive a reward, with the causal understanding level of a 5-7 year-old child, according to results published March 26, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Sarah Jelbert from Univ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 New research finds that online social behavior isn't replacing offline social behavior in the gaming community. Instead, online gaming is expanding players' social lives. The study was done by researchers at North Carolina State University, York Uni... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 As a spin-off ( pun双关语 intended) of their Tropical Biodiversity course in Malaysian Borneo, a team of biology students discover a new spider species, build a makeshift taxonomy(分类学) lab, write a joint publication and send it off to a major t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-03-28 A group of scientists from Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute and UC Berkeley report the first mapping of genome methylation(甲基化) in the fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster in their paper Genome methylation in D. melanogaster is found... 阅读全文>> |