文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2013-03-15 08:14 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
ZHANG TAOLIN, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-minister of agriculture "GDP development is meaningful only when the health of the people is assured." “只有人民的健康得到保障,GDP发展才是有意义的。”   HUANG QIFAN, an NPC deputy and mayor of Chongqing "Those officials who only know how to ask for money from the State when talking about reform are sluggards." “说起改革只知道跟国家要钱,但凡这样的管理者都是懒汉。”   LI DONGSHENG, an NPC deputy and chairman of consumer electronics enterprise TCL Group "Enhancing the international influence of Chinese companies and brands is a lesson that must be learned by China if it wants to become a real economic power." “提升中国企业和品牌的国际影响力已成为中国经济能否实现真正强大的关键一环。”   JIANG HONG, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and director of the Public Policy Research Center at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics "A lot of public consumption occurred in the official reception. Receiving visitors should cost some money at official affairs but could the reception be simplified? Typically, a cup of tea or a cup of coffee is enough for the official reception in many other countries." “很多公款消费发生在接待过程中,人来客往总是要接待的,但是为了公务,相互的接待是否可以简单一点呢?通常,在许多国家,公务接待也就是一杯咖啡、一杯茶。”

TAG标签: China committee CPPCC