如果你的衣服袖子上粘了东西,大家都可以看得到。表达 to wear your
heart1 on your
sleeve2 是出自莎士比亚的戏剧《奥赛罗》里的一个名句,意思是描述一个人容易流露自己的感情。也就是说如果你把对某事或人的想法和感受外露,他人就很可能趁机来占便宜或欺负你,那么“感情外露”便成了你的弱点。
One thing about Karl is that you don't have to guess what he's
feeling3. He always wears his heart on his sleeve. So you won't have to guess if he really likes you or not.
短语 to have something up your sleeve 的意思是某人藏有锦囊妙计,暗中留有一招,从而可以很好地处理困境。
hope12 you've got something up your sleeve, because I've got no ideas. The
police13 will be here in five minutes and we're still
locked14 inside15 the bank.