• 白蛇传英文版——许仙和白素贞

    20-04-20 The talented young herbalist named Xu Xian was in trouble. 天赋异禀的青年草药医生许仙有大麻烦了。 It should have been a victorious momenthe had just opened his very own medicine shop. 原本应该是个欢腾的胜利时-他刚开了自己的药草店。 But he bought hi...

  • The Four Dragons 四条龙的故事

    20-04-16 很久之前,地球上没有河流湖泊,只有东海,在那里住着四条龙 Once upon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth, but only the Eastern Sea, in which lived four dragons: the Long Dragon, the Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon. One...

  • 少儿英语故事:奴隶安德鲁克里斯和狮子

    20-02-02 很久以前罗马有一个奴隶逃跑后在森林里遇到了受伤的狮子,这个奴隶救了这只狮子 ONE DAY LONG AGO IN ROME, a slave named Androcles ran away from his evil master. He ran and ran into the woods. At last Androcles came to a stop. I will be safe here, he said....
