• 巴黎户外强制佩戴口罩

    20-08-12 巴黎大区8月8日宣布,自8月10日上午起,法国巴黎及其周边地区11岁及以上人群在人员密集区域须佩戴口罩。许多法国城市已规定人们在户外场所必须佩戴口罩。 Masks will be compulsory for people aged 11 and over in crowded areas in Ile-de-France - Paris and its su...

  • 洛杉矶给举行大型聚会的房屋断水断电

    20-08-10 洛杉矶市长表示,该市将被授权切断大型聚会和集会场所的水电供应,尽管已采取了限制新冠病毒传播的措施。 The mayor of Los Angeles has said the city will be authorised to shut off water and power to properties where large parties and gatherings are held de...