• affect和effect的区别

    20-12-08 Affect 和 effect 的拼写相近,读音也非常相似,所以它们的用法很容易被混淆。Affect 通常作动词使用,而 effect 通常作名词使用。 1 Affect Affect 通常作动词使用,意思是 影响。 Tiredness is affecting my work. Peoples confidence in the future affects the sto...

  • 认真关注自己行动可以减压

    15-10-13 A study has found that people who do the dishes mindfully, focusing on their actions carefully, feel less stressed and nervous. 一项研究发现,专心清洗餐具、认真关注自己行动的人较少感到压力和紧张。 Scientists at Florida State University set out to di...
