• 中国科学家发现调节灵长类生长和寿命的基因

    18-08-23 Chinese scientists have identified a gene playing an important role in regulating the development and lifespan of primates through genome-editing technology and experiments on monkeys and human stem cells. 中国科学家通过基因组编辑技术以及在猴子和人...

  • 如何控制衰老

    17-01-08 Molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn shared a Nobel Prize for her research on telomeres -- structures at the tips of chromosomes that play a key role in cellular aging. But she was frustrated that important health implications of her work werent...

  • 新型抗衰老药将于明年开始人体试验

    15-12-19 Science has been trying to figure out this whole aging thing for a long time now, and a new development just could be one of those watershed moments in history. 长久以来,科学界一直在试图解开人类衰老的谜团。而一项最新的研究成果或有望成为改变历史的分...