• 北京救护车将打表计价

    16-05-02 Ambulances in Beijing will be fitted with taxi-style meters in an effort to allay public concerns about overcharging. 为免公众诟病救护车收费过高,北京救护车将采用类似出租车的打表计价系统。 From May, the emergency vehicles will charge a fixed rate of...

  • 莫斯科警方将严查“救护出租车”

    13-03-24 因报道称莫斯科一些救护车经内部改装后以高价出租为商务人士提供出行服务,莫斯科警方将于近期对救护车开展专项检查。 Police in Moscow are to carry out special checks on ambulances after reports that emergency vehicles have been fitted with plush(豪华的)...
